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The ‘Call Scheduler’ functionality has been enhanced to provide greater functionality to our users and further facilitate care management needs. This involves changes to the UI and previous workflows for scheduling and documenting patient interactions. Please review the following sections of this article to familiarize yourself with the new or updated features.
Please note that the terminology used in the software has changed:
The ‘Call Scheduler’ will now be labeled as ‘Calendar’ in the side-menu of ThoroughCare.
Patient appointment types have expanded beyond the ‘Phone’ and ‘Video’ options.
Patient outreaches will be referred to as ‘Interactions’.
Navigating to the Calendar
From the ThoroughCare dashboard, click the ‘Calendar’ option from the side-menu.
NOTE: Notice that the number of calls that are scheduled for the rest of the day will show in the small blue box next to the "Calendar" menu link.
Understanding the Calendar UI
NOTE: Numbered items below correspond with the numbers shown in the screenshot above.
My Patient Schedule for Today: Displays the number of remaining appointments the user has scheduled for the current day.
Date(s) Shown: The selected date range displayed in the user’s current Calendar view.
Show Schedules For: A dropdown menu that allows a user to select one or more practice users whose schedules they would like to include in their Calendar view.
By default, the dropdown will be set to ‘Only Me’ or the user’s last known selection.
The ‘Only Me’ option will only allow the user to view their own schedule. To view additional user schedules alongside their own, a user must select the ‘Myself’ option.
The dropdown will be multiselect unless the user is displaying their Calendar in the ‘Month’ view, at which point the dropdown will be limited to one selection.
Non-administrative users may only update their own scheduled interactions. To update another user’s schedule, the user must contact the associated user or one of their practice’s admin users OR have the 'Non Admin Assign Calls' practice option enabled.
Purpose: A dropdown menu that allows a user to filter their Calendar view by a specific ‘Call Purpose’ or ‘Interaction Type’.
By default, the dropdown will be set to ‘All’ or the user’s last known selection.
+ Event: A button that allows users to block time on the Calendar that is not patient related such as lunch breaks, team meetings, personal appointments and time off, etc.
Users are able to create both personal events, that affect only their schedule, or global events, that affect all user schedules in the practice.
Month/Week/Day Views: Options that allow a user to select the Calendar format they would like to view their Calendar schedule in.
The ‘Week’ view will be selected by default, or the user’s last known selection.
The calendar the user is viewing will be highlighted in black. For example, the ‘Week’ view is selected in the image above.
Previous/Today/Next Navigation: Directs the user to past or future dates on their Calendar view, based on the Month/Week/Day view selected.
The ‘Today’ view will always be selected by default.
After navigating to a past or future Calendar view, users can click the ‘Today’ button to jump to the current Calendar view.
NOTE: The Calendar will remember the user’s most recent selections and will return the user back to that view when utilizing the Calendar again. This is saved through the browser and will not remember the user’s view setting if using another machine to access the software.
Within all the Calendar view types, the current day will always be highlighted with a light yellow overlay and U.S. holidays will be highlighted with light green.
The Calendar UI is separated into 15-minute intervals within the grid. This allows shorter interactions (15 minutes or less) to be easily viewed by users and facilitate scheduling brief interactions. Each interval contains an alternating color fill to make it easier for users to view and find scheduled interactions.
Calendar Views:
Month View:
The Calendar ‘Month’ view will show all scheduled interactions for the selected month, displaying the Start Time and the Patient Name associated with each interaction.
NOTE: In order to enhance performance and readability, the ‘Month’ view is now limited to 1 user schedule at a time.
If the ‘Show schedules for:’ option contains more than 1 selection, the user will not be able to navigate to the ‘Month’ view until selection is decreased.
If a date on the ‘Month’ view contains more than (7) patient interactions, a ‘View More ↓’ button will populate.
When clicked, this button will immediately navigate the user to that date’s ‘Week’ view where all the scheduled items will be displayed in a more readable and interactive format.
Week View:
The ‘Week’ view for the Calendar will show all scheduled interactions for the selected week.
Interactions scheduled for 15 minutes or less will display the Start Time and Patient Name associated with it, while interactions scheduled for 30 minutes or more will display the Start Time, Patient Name, Purpose, DOB, and Preferred Phone (if applicable).
Day View:
The ‘Day’ view for the Calendar will show all scheduled interactions for the selected day, displaying the Start Time, End Time, Patient Name, Purpose associated with each interaction, DOB, and Preferred Phone (if applicable).
NOTE: Within the Calendar UI, users within practice groups will be able to view interactions that they have scheduled and/or documented on from other practices even if they are not currently scoped to those other practices.
The name of the relevant practice will be displayed within brackets within the respective interaction items on the Calendar UI.
Color Coding for Scheduled Items:
The Calendar contains color coding functionality using the colors shown below to clearly represent the status of each scheduled interaction.
Blue: Future interactions that have a scheduled time that has not yet occurred.
Red: Past interactions that have a scheduled time that has already occurred, but does not yet have a documented outcome.
Green: Past interactions with a documented successful outcome.
Yellow: The scheduled interaction was documented with an outcome marking an attempted outreach to a patient, but not a successful one.
Brown: This color denotes an ‘Event’ either scheduled for a user or global across all users in a practice.
Scheduling Interactions from Calendar
Users can schedule interactions by clicking anywhere into the Calendar UI grid which will bring up the ‘Schedule Interaction’ modal.
'Start' and 'End' fields:
The Date and Time the interaction will be scheduled for.
When clicked, the field will display a single month date picker with time entry function.
The field will prefill with the time and date based on where the user clicked within the Calendar UI grid.
The field will default to a 30-minute length for the interaction.
Users can type directly into the field.
'Patient' field:
Type into the field to search for a patient through their name or EHR ID.
'User' field:
Dropdown selector for assignment of the interaction to a user within the practice.
The field will prefill with the currently logged-in user.
Users can type directly into the field to find other users.
'Type' field:
Dropdown selector to pick from the Interaction Types list.
Users can type directly into the field.
By default, the Interaction Type 'Outbound Call' will be populated into the field.
'Purpose' field:
Dropdown selector to pick from the "Call Purpose' list depending on the Interaction Type chosen in the previous field.
Users can type directly into the field.
This field will not be displayed if the Interaction Types chosen is not associated to the 'Call Purpose' list.
'Programs' field:
Dropdown selector to pick the programs the patient interaction should be associated with.
Will populate a default program based on the 'Purpose' selected.
Multiple programs can be selected.
The field will not be displayed within the modal if a user chooses a non-call adjacent 'Interaction Type'.
'Make Recurring' checkbox:
Allows users to determine if this interaction should reoccur within the time interval selected:
Every Two Weeks
'Note about this interaction' text field:
Note entry field for users to type into.
Save and Cancel buttons.
NOTE: The programs selected within the scheduling modal will determine if the selected programs' worklist will populate the patient outreach data.
NOTE: By default, the 'Type' field will be set to 'Outbound Call' when scheduling calls or when documenting an interaction through the patient chart for an interaction that wasn't previously scheduled for.
NOTE: Interactions must be scheduled for the same day. The end date of the interaction must match the start date that was selected.
NOTE: Only Admin users will have the ‘User’ field shown which allows them to select other users within a practice to assign an interaction to when scheduling or editing. This will only be shown to non-admin users if the ‘Non-Admin Assign Calls’ practice option is enabled.
Scheduling Conflicting Interactions
For the ‘Week’ view, if multiple items are scheduled for the same time slot then the UI will display an icon that when clicked will show the additional interactions through a pop-up on the Calendar UI.
If there are more interactions scheduled with overlapping time ranges than the Calendar UI can show, the additional interactions will be grouped under a '+(#)' icon that is shown next to the rightmost item in the time slot. The (#) in the icon represents the number of additional scheduled items that conflict.
When the '+(#)' icon is clicked, all additional scheduled items are displayed in a pop-up modal where users may interact with the items within the modal.
NOTE: All scheduled interactions for a user may be dragged and dropped to other time slots within the Calendar UI. This applies to conflicting items which may be dragged out of the pop-up for rescheduling needs or a user may click into them to bring up the Scheduling modal.
Editing a Scheduled Patient Call:
Once an interaction is scheduled, users can edit the details of the interaction as necessary. To do so, a user can navigate to the Calendar UI and click on the interaction they would like to edit. This will open up the ‘Document Interaction’ modal that will be covered more in-depth in the following section of this article.
Within this modal, users may edit the Time and Date of the interaction, along with who the interaction is Assigned to, the Interaction Type, the Purpose, the Programs, or the Notes entered for it. Click the ‘Save’ button when finished for the edits to take effect.
NOTE: Any changes made to a scheduled or documented interaction will be noted in the audit trail functionality of ThoroughCare.
Documenting Interactions from Calendar
As shown in the previous section, a user may click on a scheduled interaction within the Calendar UI to open up the ‘Document Interaction’ modal where users may document an Outcome to complete the interaction.
Users may also edit other information for this interaction through the ‘Document Interaction’ modal. Users must click the ‘Save’ button to have any changes apply.
‘Launch Video’ button:
If ‘Video’ is selected as the interaction type then the 'Launch Video' button will be displayed in this location on the modal.
'Program Views' buttons:
Displays the enrolled programs for the patient. When clicked, it will navigate the user to the respective program page of that patient’s chart.
‘Patient’ field:
Displays the name of the patient and is hyperlinked to that patient’s chart when clicked.
‘Phone’ field:
Dropdown selector for all phone numbers entered into the patient’s chart. Includes label for the type of phone # such as mobile, home, or work.
Populates the patient’s preferred phone number by default.
‘Email’ field:
Displays the email address associated with the patient.
'Start' and 'End' fields:
The Date and Time the interaction is scheduled for.
When clicked, the field will display a single month date picker with time entry function.
Users can type directly into the field.
‘Assigned’ field:
Displays the user assigned to this scheduled interaction.
When clicked, displays a dropdown selector for assignment of the interaction to another user within the practice.
Users can type directly into the field to find users.
'Type' field:
Displays the Interaction Type picked for the interaction.
Users can type directly into the field.
'Purpose' field:
Displays the "Call Purpose' depending on the Interaction Type chosen.
Users can type directly into the field.
This field will not be displayed if the Interaction Types chosen is not associated to the 'Call Purpose' list.
'Programs' Field:
Dropdown selector to pick the programs the patient interaction should be associated with.
Will populate a default program based on the 'Purpose' selected.
Multiple programs can be selected.
The field will not be displayed within the modal if a user chooses a non-call adjacent 'Interaction Type'.
‘Outcome’ field:
Dropdown selector for a user to pick the Outcome Status for the interaction.
Users can type directly into the field.
The field will only display available Outcome Statuses that are associated to the selected Interaction Type.
'Previous Interaction Notes' field:
Displays previous notes entered for this interaction.
‘Addendum’ button:
Allows a user to edit a note that has been previously entered.
'Note about this interaction' text field:
Note entry field for users to type into.
'Schedule' fields:
Users can schedule follow-up calls by entering the desired date and time within the respective fields and then clicking the 'Save' button.
‘Save’, ‘Delete’, and ‘Cancel’ buttons.
Non-admin users may only delete scheduled interactions or those that have not been saved with an 'Outcome Status'.
Admin users may always delete
Note: If the 'Outcome' field has been filled out for an interaction that is scheduled for a future date and time, then the ‘Document Interaction’ modal will display a blue banner at the bottom with the following options:
'Move this event from the future date/time to now'
'Copy this event to the current date/time so that I can add updates but leave the future event on the schedule'
The user is required to select one of the radio buttons in order to save and move forward in documenting the interaction.
NOTE: Some of the outcome statuses that were used previously have been updated with name changes for the Calendar Enhancements. No outcome statuses have been removed nor were changes made to how they were coded as either a 'Successful' or 'Attempted' interaction. Please see the table below for reference ↓
Legacy Outcome Status | Updated Outcome Status | Successful or Attempted |
Call Successful | Reached | Successful |
Talked to patient | Callback Requested | Attempted |
Left Voicemail | Left Voicemail | Attempted |
No Answer | Unable to Leave Message | Attempted |
Phone Inactive | Phone Inactive | Attempted |
Talked to other person | Unable to Reach | Attempted |
Admin-Only Functionality for Calendar
The following items below describe functionality reserved for admin users only:
Only admin users may delete documented interactions (those that have been saved with an outcome status).
Only admin users may edit documented interactions or addendum notes on an interaction that were made by other users.
NOTE: Non-admin users may not edit documented interactions. However, they are able to add new notes or make addendums to their previous notes.
Scheduling Video Calls
If your practice is enabled for ‘Video’ communications, then users will be able to schedule video interactions with their patients through the Calendar.
NOTE: Please contact your TC representative if you wish to enable video communications for your practice.
To schedule such interactions for enabled practices, go to the Calendar and create an interaction. Select the ‘Video’ option for the ‘Type’ field, fill out the rest of the required fields, and click the ‘Save’ button to populate the appointment on the Calendar.
NOTE: Before scheduling, ensure that your desired patient is enabled for video by clicking on the appropriate button in the patient’s ‘Create/Update Patient’ modal within their patient chart.
NOTE: If a patient does not have video communications already enabled and a user attempts to schedule a video appointment with them then a toaster notification will appear. If the user proceeds to click ‘Save’ again in the ‘Schedule Interaction’ modal then the patient will automatically be enabled for video communications and the appointment will be scheduled.
Once the appointment is scheduled, a user can open the appointment details from the Calendar or patient chart and click the ‘Launch Video’ button at the top of the ‘Document Interaction’ modal.
NOTE: Users may need to allow the use of their computer’s camera in their browser to properly use the video communication functionality.
Once the ‘Launch Video’ button is pressed, the video appointment will start and be displayed through a mini-window in the corner of the ThoroughCare application. Users may click to expand the window.
Patients will receive a text and email (depending on the information entered into their patient chart) with a link that will connect them to the video appointment with their care manager.
Peer Calendars
Peer Calendaring is available ONLY in the ‘Day’ and ‘Week’ view for Calendar.
To view the calendars of other users within the practice, navigate to the ‘Show Schedules For’ dropdown while either the ‘Day’ or ‘Week’ view is selected.
For the ‘Day’ view, up to 4 users can be selected at once. Each user’s schedule will appear within their own column on the Calendar.
NOTE: Once 4 users are selected within the ‘Day’ view, the user must deselect one of the users selected in order to select another user.
For the ‘Week’ view, up to 8 users can be selected at once. Each user’s schedule will appear within their own column on the Calendar.
NOTE: Once 8 users are selected within the ‘Day’ view, the user must deselect one of the users selected in order to select another user.
NOTE: In either the ‘Day’ or ‘Week’ view, the Calendar UI will display responsively if less than the max number of users are selected. The images below show the Peer Calendaring functionality when only 2 users are selected for either the ‘Day’ or ‘Week’ view.
While the ‘Month’ view can’t be used for Peer Calendaring, the user may still utilize the ‘Show Schedules For’ dropdown to ONLY view another user’s schedule. When Peer Calendaring is being used in the ‘Day’ or ‘Week’ view, the button for the ‘Month’ view will be disabled with a tooltip.
NOTE: If the user wishes to quickly deselect all peer calendars or wants to view only their own, then they can select the ‘Only Me’ option under the ‘Show Scheduled For’ dropdown.
NOTE: The drag and drop functionality is limited to a user's own schedule. It will not work across peers or to another user's column.
Configurable Interaction Types and Outcome Statuses
Admin users can configure custom Interaction Types and Outcome Statuses to meet their specific practice needs when utilizing the Calendar.
Interaction Types
To find these sections, locate the ‘Management’ options in the side-menu and first select ‘Interaction Types’.
By default, the global Interaction Types will be displayed in the configuration table. Global values cannot be edited and will display a tooltip when hovering your mouse over the ‘Edit’ button.
If an ‘Interaction Type’ is not associated with an active ‘Outcome Statuses’, then it can be disabled by clicking the ‘Disable’ button next to the record under the ‘Actions’ columns.
A browser confirmation will be displayed and if the user clicks to confirm their choice then the record will become disabled. Click the ‘Enable’ button to return the record to an active state.
If the ‘Interaction Type’ that a user is trying to disable is associated with an active ‘Outcome Status’, then after clicking to continue past the browser confirmation, the user will receive a modal message stating that the disable action cannot occur.
To create your own ‘Interaction Type’, users can click the ‘+ Add Interaction Type’ button located in the top-right corner of the configuration section.
Once clicked, the ‘Add Interaction Type’ modal will be displayed where users can first enter the name for their new record.
Next, users can select to associate the ‘Interaction Type’ to either the ‘Call Purpose’ list or to 'N/A' if they do not want the 'Interaction Type' associated to the 'Call Purpose' list.
If an ‘Interaction Type’ is set to the ‘Call Purpose’ list then a user will be able to select from the list of Call Purposes for the ‘Purpose’ field when scheduling and documenting on patient interactions.
If an ‘Interaction Type’ is set to the ‘N/A' then the 'Purpose' field will not be displayed when scheduling or documenting with that 'Interaction Type' selected
NOTE: If an 'Interaction Type' is set to the 'Call Purpose' list then any interactions documented with that 'Interaction Type' will update the following call-related columns on product worklists:
Call Status
Last Successful Call
Last Call Attempt
Call Attempts
Unsuccessful Call Attempts
Finally, the user can select which products the ‘Interaction Type’ should be associated with, whether it is only one, multiple, or all.
This affects the 'Outcome Statuses’ that can be associated to an ‘Interaction Type’ as the two types of records must share overlapping product associations in order for the two records to be connected to each other through the ‘Outcome Status’ section. This will be further explained in the next section.
When ready, the user can click the ‘Save’ button and the new record will be added to the table. If all available products were selected then ‘All’ will show instead of all individual products selected under the ‘Product’ column of the table.
Custom records can also be copied across all practices in a practice group by clicking the ‘Copy to All’ button.
The ‘Interaction Types’ can be reordered in the table by either clicking the blue up or down arrows next to each record or by dragging and dropping the record to the desired location. The ordering will affect how the records are displayed in respective dropdown lists.
Users can also use the ‘Sort A-Z’ button to reorder the records alphabetically.
NOTE: For custom records made and tied to multiple products (such as to CCM, RPM, or BHI),if the practice disables a program (such as RPM) as a practice option after a custom record is made and tied to that program (RPM), then:
The program (RPM) is disabled for the practice and the custom record CAN'T be used for RPM purposes.
The custom record CAN still be used by the practice for CCM and BHI purposes.
RPM only records would be disabled from use and new records being created would not have RPM show as an option for product association.
Outcome Statuses
The ‘Outcome Statuses’ section can be found for Admin users under the navigation link for ‘Interaction Types’ under the Management set of options.
While similar to the table for ‘Interaction Types’, the table for ‘Outcome Statuses’ has unique functionalities due to how these records interact with ‘Interaction Types’ in the software.
By default, the global ‘Outcome Statuses’ will be displayed in the configuration table. Global values cannot be edited and will display a tooltip when hovering your mouse over the ‘Edit’ button. However they can be disabled or enabled.
Under the ‘Outcome’ column, each Outcome Status will be marked as either representing a ‘Successful’ or an ‘Attempted’ outcome.
On the Calendar UI, utilizing an Outcome Status marked as ‘Successful’ will color code an interaction as green while using one marked as ‘Attempted’ will mark the interaction with a yellow color.
The ‘Interaction Type(s)’ column shows which ‘Interaction Types’ the selected ‘Outcome Status’ is tied to. When those listed ‘Interaction Types’ are used for scheduling or documenting an interaction, the ‘Outcome Statuses’ associated with them will appear as options to select from under the ‘Outcome’ field dropdown for the relevant Calendar modals.
To create a custom ‘Outcome Status’, select the ‘+Add Outcome Status’ button in the top-right corner under the username.
This will open the ‘Add Outcome Status’ modal where users can first enter in a name for their custom record.
Then users can select how this ‘Outcome Status’ should be coded; either as a ‘Successful’ outcome or an ‘Attempted’ one.
Users may then select which products to associate this record with, whether it is only one, multiple, or all.
Finally, the user can select which ‘Interaction Types’ this ‘Outcome Status’ will be displayed for when documenting scheduled interactions through the relevant Calendar modals.
NOTE: ‘Interaction Types’ will not show up in the dropdown if they do not share an overlapping product association with the ‘Outcome Status’ trying to be created.
When ready, the user can click the ‘Save’ button in the modal to add the new ‘Outcome Status’ to the section table.
Custom records can also be copied across all practices in a practice group by clicking the ‘Copy to All’ button.
The ‘Outcome Statuses’ can be reordered in the table by either clicking the blue up or down arrows next to each record or by dragging and dropping the record to the desired location. The ordering will affect how the records are displayed in respective dropdown lists.
Users can also use the ‘Sort A-Z’ button to reorder the records alphabetically.
NOTE: For custom records made and tied to multiple products (such as to CCM, RPM, or BHI), if the practice disables a program (such as RPM) as a practice option after a custom record is made and tied to that program (RPM), then:
The program (RPM) is disabled for the practice and the custom record CAN'T be used for RPM purposes.
The custom record CAN still be used by the practice for CCM and BHI purposes.
RPM only records would be disabled from use and new records being created would not have RPM show as an option for product association.
Scheduling & Documenting from the Patient Chart
The new Calendar components for scheduling and documenting interactions can also be accessed from the Patient Chart. One way is to access it through the ‘Calendar’ button in the top-right corner of the chart.
NOTE: If Healthwise Coach has been enabled for the practice, then the ‘Calendar’ button will be an option under the ‘Patient Actions’ dropdown on the patient chart.
Clicking on the button will display the ‘Patient Interaction Log’ which allows users to schedule, document an already scheduled interaction, or start documentation on an interaction that was not previously scheduled.
To schedule or document a new interaction for the patient whose chart you are viewing, click the ‘Create Interaction’ button.
The modal will then transform into a document interaction form where uses can fill out the details of an interaction.
NOTE: To schedule an interaction using this workflow, click the 'Save' button without entering in a value for the 'Outcome' status.
Once done, the user may click the ‘Save’ button to complete documentation and the modal will navigate back to the 'Patient Interaction Log' with the newly created interaction displayed in accordance to it's time+date.
This will also populate the scheduled or documented interaction on the Calendar UI as well.
If the user wishes to document the interaction, then they need only to select a value for the 'Outcome' field and hit 'Save'.
Underneath the ‘Care Management’ tab, users can also bring up the ‘Patient Interaction Log’ modal through the ‘Next Follow Up Interaction’ button next to the time-logger.
If a patient interaction has already been scheduled, then clicking on the button will bring up the ‘Document Interaction’ modal with the interaction information prefilled.
If there were no upcoming patient interaction scheduled, then the information within ‘Document Interaction’ will be blank outside of the patient information, user assigned, the 'Type' will default to 'Outbound Call' and the length of the interaction defaulted to 30 minutes.
The ‘Call Status’ button can also be used to quickly document a patient interaction. However, this workflow will always use the ‘Outbound Call’ interaction type and set the current user as the default user assigned.
The date, time, purpose, outcome, and call notes can then be entered and saved. This interaction will then populate into the ‘Patient Interaction Log’ and into the Calendar.
NOTE: If call notes have been previously entered for the patient, then they will show on the ‘Document Patient Call Status’ modal under the ‘Previous Call Notes’ field.
NOTE: When using custom ‘Outcome Statuses’ for documenting interactions, the ‘Phone’ icon on both the patient chart and worklist will color code to PURPLE. The Calendar UI itself will always accurately color code to show a custom ‘Outcome Status’ is set to when an interaction is documented on, either green for ‘Successful’ or yellow for ‘Attempted’.
NOTE: The color-coding for the ‘Phone’ icon on the worklists and patient chart operates uniquely in comparison to the color-coding seen on the Calendar UI. Please see the information below for details ↓
Selected Outcome Status | ‘Phone’ Icon Color Code |
Reached | Green |
Callback Requested | Yellow |
Left Voicemail | Blue |
Unable to Leave Message | Red |
Phone Inactive | Maroon |
Unable to Reach | Orange |
Custom Outcome Status | Purple |
Documenting from the Worklists
Users can document on patient interactions from program worklists by selecting the ‘Phone’ icon under the ‘Call Status’ column for any patient record.
When selected, the ‘Document Patient Call Status’ will be displayed. With similar functionality to the ‘Phone’ icon when documenting from the patient chart, ‘Outbound Calls’ are already selected by default as the ‘Interaction Type’ and can’t be changed or edited. The user who is documenting will be considered the user ‘Assigned’ to this interaction.
The user is able to enter the date, time, purpose, outcome, and any call notes into the modal. If they click save then this interaction will populate into the ‘Patient Interaction Log’ and into the Calendar.
The phone icon on the worklist for that patient will also color code based on the outcome selected for the interaction.
NOTE: When documenting from worklists, only Purposes and Outcome Statuses that are associated to the same program as the worklist you are viewing will be selectable in the ‘Document Patient Call Status’ modal.
NOTE: If a custom ‘Outcome Status’ is selected and saved then the phone icon will color code as PURPLE and will display the tooltip text ‘Other’ when hovered over to denote that a custom ‘Outcome Status’ was used.
Scheduling Events
Along with patient interactions, events can also be scheduled from the Calendar. Users should click on the ‘+ Event’ button to bring up the ‘Create Custom Event’ modal.
NOTE: Numbered items below correspond with the numbers shown in the screenshot above.
Title: Enter the title for the event within this field.
User: If a user is selected the event will only appear on their individual calendar. If no user is selected the event will appear on all users schedules within the practice as a ‘Global Event’.
Date and Time Range: The date and time range can be entered for the event. Events can span across days but will default to 30 minutes.
Make Recurring?: Users can select the frequency for this event to be scheduled for:
Every Two Weeks
Note: Users can enter in a note for the event that can be seen when clicking into the event once scheduled on the Calendar.
Save and Cancel buttons.
Once a user fills out the required information and hits ‘Save’, the event will then populate onto the Calendar UI and will be color coded as BROWN.
Missed Call Report
A report of calls marked as ‘Pending’ can be generated by a user through the Reports section.
Click on the username in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Then click on ‘Reports’ in the dropdown that appears.
Proceed to the dropdown box under ‘Report Type’ and select the ‘Missed Call’ option. Then click the ‘View’ button.
A list of ‘Pending’ calls associated with the user will be displayed. By default, any call over 60 minutes since its scheduled end time will be shown.
Date, time, call purpose, and any notes related to the call will be listed and the most outstanding calls will be shown first as the default view.
The report can be sorted by date, patient, call purpose or note by clicking on the column headers or the sort icons next to them.
A user can also use the search bar to find information within any of the data fields.
The date and time of the call can be clicked to bring up the ‘Log / Call Interaction’ modal where the call’s status can be updated.
NOTE: Once a call has been updated, it will no longer show on the report.
Finally, clicking on a hyperlinked patient name will send a user to the corresponding patient chart.
To access other helpful ThoroughCare articles in the Knowledge Base or to get help from the ThoroughCare Support team members, click the ‘i’ icon in the top right corner of the software next to the username and use the appropriate link.