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Features on the Dashboard
When logging into ThoroughCare, users will first be taken to their practice's landing page which will contain sections or 'dashboards' for each of the programs that have been enabled for the practice.
Each dashboard will contain information about enrolled, inactive, and non-enrolled patients along with specific program details such as time logged categories for enrolled patients.
Note: Each dashboard will reflect program details for the month has been selected to view at the top of the practice landing page.
Each program dashboard contains a high level view of the patients enrolled within which are then broken down into different columns or 'buckets' for more detailed views.
The number under each bucket can be clicked on which will navigate users to the respective program's worklist. A filter will be applied to that worklist that reflect and break out the selected bucket's information into a detailed patient table.
For example: If a user clicks on the number located under '10-20 Mins' within the Chronic Care Management (CCM) dashboard, you'll be taken to the CCM worklist with the '10-20 Mins' filter applied and be able to view the two patients who need a bit more care coordination time logged in order to generate a CCM claim for the month.
Worklist Filter Options
Once on a worklist, a user will be able to filter their patients by clicking the "Filters" button (Reflected in image below).
These Filters May Include:
CCM Status
Billing Status
Last Successful Call
Call Attempts
Enrollment Date
CCM Care Manager
CCM Physician
Primary Care Manager
Primary Physician
CCM Minutes
Provider Minutes
Call Status
Primary Insurance
Secondary Insurance
Risk Level
Note: Not all of these filtering options may be enabled on your personalized ThoroughCare site. If you would like to add one of these filtering options to your worklist then please reach out to your ThoroughCare Representative.
Note: The Status filter will automatically default to "Enrolled" upon selecting a worklist for an enrollable program.
Note: You can also sort the data under worklist columns alphabetically or numerically by clicking the column header.
Selecting Specific Patient Information
Our users have the ability to choose which columns/data they see listed on their personal worklist. To change which columns are shown, click the 'Column Visibility' dropdown as displayed in the screenshot below.
Note: Some column options need to be enable on the user's site (by a TC team member) before it can be seen from the worklist. If you are missing a column/data type that should be listed in the "Column visibility" dropdown, you may want to consult your site admin to explore getting that particular column added to your site!
Once clicked, all column options should be displayed in the 'Column visibility' dropdown menu. Currently displayed columns should be highlighted blue, whereas hidden columns will be white.
Column Options May Include:
Call Status
Last Successful Call
Last Call Attempt
Call Attempts
Patient Name
Phone Number
Policy ID
Insurance Name
CCM Care Manager
CCM Physician
Primary Care Manager
Primary Physician
Follow up
Insurance Coverage
Enroll Date
Last CP
Mins (logged for the month)
Prov Mins (logged for the month)
Goal (minute goal for month)
Note: The columns highlighted in blue are the columns that are shown in the worklist.
Note: The 'Actions' column will always remain visible in worklists.
Exporting Results
You also have the option to export selected patients from the filtered list with our "Export" feature. Begin by selecting patients to include in the report. Click the "Select All" check box to select all records listed under the current filtered worklist.
Note: You can deselect all by clicking the same button.
If the report is only meant to contain certain patients, select the individuals which should be included by clicking their selection box to the far left of the patient record.
Note: Only the yellow highlighted patients will be included in the report.
Click to select the "PDF" button to export the results of the selected patients.
Note: When creating a worklist report keep in mind that only selected columns and patients will be included in the report. This means any hidden column will not be included on the newly generated report.
PDF Example
Accessing the Patient Chart
On a worklist, a user has the ability to navigate to a patient's view page by simply clicking the patients name or EHR ID.
Creating a New Patient From the Worklist
Moving back to our worklist, a user can create a new patient by clicking on the " + New Patient " button located in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
Program Status
Users can change the patient's program status (Inactivate a Patient or Enroll) by clicking the "Status" button under the Actions Column.
By clicking "Status", you will bring up a pop up box which will allow you to change the CCM enrollment status. Click the drop down box in order to select a status.
Note: If you wish to view a more in depth walkthrough explaining the enrollment process click HERE.
To access other helpful ThoroughCare articles in the Knowledge Base or to get help from the ThoroughCare Support team members, click the ‘i’ icon in the top right corner of the software next to the username and use the appropriate link!