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Principle Care Management

New PCM Program Features

Joel Barnes avatar
Written by Joel Barnes
Updated over a week ago

ThoroughCare has added new features to help identify and manage patients that qualify for PCM services. This article will highlight and explain these helpful features that can make managing a user's PCM patients easy!

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The Dashboard:

If a user would like to see a count of their practices PCM patients, they should try the "Show PCM" checkbox.

Click the checkbox next to "Show PCM" to see a count of the patients within the PCM program.

Notice that once the "Show PCM" is checked a new part of the "CCM" table populates underneath the original table. ThoroughCare offers a count of patients with "30+" and "Under 30" minutes for the current month.

Just as the other CCM numbers listed in the table, the numbers below the "30+ Mins" and "Under 30 Mins" columns are links to that particular worklist. If a user wishes to see all patients under thirty minutes, click the red number below "Under 30 Mins".

The "PCM" Worklist:

If a user wishes to see a list of their PCM patients, they must travel to their "CCM Worklist". The PCM and CCM programs are so similar that patients from both programs are all managed together in ThoroughCare.

Even though they are contained in the same worklist, a user can easily distinguish PCM patients from CCM patients with the "PCM" flag.

To see all patients in the PCM program, select the "Filters" button located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

From here select the "Flags" dropdown box. Look through the list of flags until the "PCM" flag is found. Select the blueish "PCM" flag to filter your CCM Worklist for PCM patients.

Note: If a patient qualifies for the PCM program they will automatically be given this flag. Users cannot remove this flag unless they make the patient eligible for the CCM program or inactivate the patient from the PCM program.

Notice once the "PCM" flag filtering option is chosen, all patients listed on the "CCM Worklist" will fall under the PCM program.

If a user wishes to further filter their PCM patients, they may choose to only see patients with "Over 30" or "Under 30" minutes logged for the month. To do this, navigate to the Worklist Filters by clicking on "Filters."

The Patient View Page:

On the patient view page, a user has the ability to check if the patient falls under "PCM" guidelines. If the patient has a single diagnosis code listed, they should have a PCM flag displayed in the patient information section.

Note: PCM follows the same basic roles as the CCM program; however, the patient only needs a single condition to qualify, and they must receive 30 minutes of a clinical sources non-face-to-face time instead of 20 minutes.

Also, when adding conditions make sure the program chosen is "CCM" and not left blank. There is no "PCM" option that can be added, so users should use the "CCM" program when specifying which program the condition is to be managed under.

For PCM patients, the time goal within the time-logger will change based on whether the current user is a Clinician or a Provider.

When a patient has one condition, a PCM flag, and a Clinician user enters the patient's Care Management screen, then the Time Log 'Goal' will be set to '30 minutes PCM Clinician.'

When a patient has one condition, a PCM flag, and a Provider user enters the patient's Care Management screen, Then the Time Log 'Goal' will be set to '30 minutes PCM Provider.'

NOTE: When a patient has more than one condition and a user enters the patient's Care Management screen (Clinician or Provider), then the Time Log 'Goal' will be set to 20 minutes.

To access other helpful ThoroughCare articles in the Knowledge Base or to get help from the ThoroughCare Support team members, click the โ€˜iโ€™ icon in the top right corner of the software next to the username and use the appropriate link!

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