There are some simple tools within the analytics platform that make utilization much more efficient and streamlined. In this article, we'll review these tools and how to use them.
Downloading Data
Data found on our analytics dashboards and details can be downloaded by simply right-clicking the desired visual or table, then selecting download as, then selecting your desired file format.
After selecting "Download as..." you should be prompted with the choices in the left image below. Image will allow you to create a picture in either png or jpeg format. PDF will download a PDF, and data will create an Excel file. Note that when selecting data on one of our sheets that is just a table of columns, you will be prompted with the image on the right. Selecting the check box will make the excel file have a more "readable" format.
Copying Values
You are able to copy any individual values found in our details/worklist sheets in analytics. To do this it is very simple. Right-click on the cell you want to copy, and then select "Copy cell value" from the pop-up.
Locking filters
After selecting an option from a filter and the filter presented in the selections bar, click on the filter. You will notice a small, "unlocked" icon above the search bar. When a filter is locked it will carry over between all sheets until it is either unlocked or removed entirely
Search Tips
These tips are for more efficient and precise ways to use the search feature within filters.
Normal Search
The search string (what you type) is matched against the beginning of EVERY word in the results. So if ANY word that you type is in a result, then it will appear.
"" Quotes: Treats the search as a single string.
With the two pictures above, you can see the difference between including/excluding quotes from the search.
Numeric Search
If the search string begins with '<' or '>', a numeric comparison is made. Only values that fulfill the numeric requirement will be matched. As shown in the image below, dates also work with this kind of search.
? Wildcard
The '?' acts as a replacement for a single character that may be variable in your data. In the image below you can see it is being used to capture both Diabetes Type 1 and 2 by using the "?" in place of the number. Note that this wildcard is length sensitive, meaning you need the exact amount of characters for the desired results to appear.
* Wildcard
The '*' represents any amount of characters, including blanks. It can match any character or any block of characters in a specific position. Below are three examples of how this can be used. From left to right we have any results starting with 'eligibility', any results where 'eligibility' is in the middle of the results, or where the string ends with 'errors'.
^ Wildcard
The '^' restricts the search to only consider the beginning of words in the results. Only works in conjunction with other wildcards. Below we can see the difference between the left, where we search for the letter 'e' anywhere in the results, and on the right we search for the letter 'e' at the START of any word in the results.
- Modifier
The '-' modifier makes the search results not include the string that comes after the '-'. Below you can see the difference between all results and the use of the '-' modifier that leaves out any result with the word "errors".
+ Modifier
The opposite of the '-' modifier, the '+' modifier requires that the results contain the search string that follow the modifier.
Expression Search
Search string will begin with '='. Expression search is based on an aggregation in any field.
Compound Search
Search string begins with '('. Search condition with logical operators AND '&', OR '|', and XOR '^' (not to be confused with the ^ Wildcard). Order below goes OR, AND, XOR.