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Accepting the Email Invitation to the Patient Portal
If your Care Manager has verified that your invitation has been sent, check your email for any mail labeled "Invitation Instructions" from "Accounts". Click this email to open the instructions.
Note: The next few photos are modeled by a fake patient's "Gmail" account. If you do not have a "Gmail", do not worry! The instructions will work for any email service provider.
Read through the email, if you would like to accept the invitation to the patient portal, select the underlined "Accept Invitation" located located within the email.
Note: The email should be addressed from ""
If you would like to download the app, click the "Apple Store" or "Play Store" link that is provided within the email.
Note: If you have an iPhone or Apple product, click the "Apple Store" link. If you have an android device click the "Play Store" link.
This will load a new web-page, that will ask you to enter your "Date of Birth" and a new "Password" for you to login.
Click to enter your date of birth, and new password. do not forget to re-enter the new password a second time before clicking "set my password".
Note: Your password must be at least 8 characters long.
When you have entered your birthday and new password, click the "Set my password" button at the bottom of the screen.
Once you create a password for your patient portal, a new webpage will load that is titled "End User License Agreement". Scroll all the way to the bottom of the agreement window highlighted in the screenshot below.
Note: Make sure to read through the agreement.
Once the terms have been read, click the "Accept" button to progress past the agreement.
If you get redirected to the log-in screen, make sure to login with your new password and email to sign in. Enter the personal email address along with the password you just set, to access the patient portal. Click "Sign in" when you have your email and password populated.
Navigation the Patient Portal
Let the web-page load. If you logged in successfully, you should see a page resembling the one shown in the screenshot below. This will be your "Home" screen. Throughout this article we will cover the function of the home screen along with all of the icons that are listed at the top of the home screen's page...
Completing the "Daily Check-In":
The patient portal has a handy tool called "Daily Check-in", this allows patients to directly tell their Care Manager/Doctor how they are feeling on that particular day without having to make a phone call.
If used correctly, the daily check-in can give a patient's care team an inside look into a patient's life and wellbeing on a daily basis.
In addition, the daily check-in can alert a patient's care team to a sudden change in patient health that could indicate a life threatening event.
To use the daily check-in, click the icon that shows a "Person with a Check Mark" at the top of the screen, or click the blue button labeled "Check in".
Note: The daily check-in is not mandatory and does not have to be done everyday; however, we suggest completing it as much as your schedule allows.
Once on the "Daily Check-in" page, begin telling your care team, on a scale of Great to Bad, how you are feeling today. Your mood options are:
Great (dark green smiley face)
Good (light green smiley face)
OK (yellow neutral face)
Could be Better (orange slightly sad face)
Bad (red very sad face)
Click one of the face options to select that mood. In this example we will be choosing the "Good" option.
Note: Choose whichever feeling suites your day the best, no worries if you do not think it fits your circumstance you will be able to explain in the next part of the Daily Check-in. Also, it may seem silly but reporting how you feel on a daily basis could alert your care team to a sudden change in your health.
Once you have chosen your mood make sure to explain the reasoning behind what your choice. Click the text-box to the right of the mood faces to tell your doctor about your day. Type out how you have been feeling.
Note: No detail is too small! For example, reporting symptoms such as a prolonged feeling of acid reflux / chest pain, could alert your care team to a possible heart attack. Also, feel free to talk about your day, who you meant, and what you did, mental health is important too!
If at anytime you accidentally click on the "Daily Check-in" feature, simply select the "Back" button to exit , and return to the "Home" page. If you exit, any information on the "How do you feel today?" page will not be saved.
If you are finished telling your doctor about your day and would like to complete your note, select the blue "Submit" button highlighted in the picture below.
Congrats! You have just let your doctor know how you are feeling! Once the "Submit" button is clicked your Daily Check-in will be saved.
If you have successfully completed your check-in, the webpage will provide you with a green confirmation message in the upper right hand corner letting you know the check-in was sent to your care team.
Also, the text box in which you typed out your day will now turn a lite shade of grey, letting you know this can no longer be changed.
Note: Once the Daily Check-in is submitted the patient can no longer edit it.
Travel back home by clicking the "Home" icon at the top of the screen, or by clicking to "Back" button, both are highlighted below.
Once back on the home screen, notice that the "Daily Check-in" section went from being blue to green. This is letting you know you have completed the check-in for today. If you read the check-in section, it will give you an overview of what you reported to your doctor.
Viewing and Adding Daily Readings:
If you have been enrolled in Remote Patient Monitoring, then your Care Manager should of gone over what readings you would like to keep track of.
To view your readings page click the "Health Info" icon at the top of the screen or select the blue button labeled "View Health Info".
Once one of these buttons is clicked you will be redirected to the patient "Health Info" page. The top of this page will highlight your general patient information. Take a look and make sure this information is correct.
If something is wrong contact your Care Manager to let them know which part of your information is incorrect along with what it should be corrected to.
Below your general patient information, you should see your recorded "Vitals".
If your vitals are not displayed, check to make sure the "Vitals" tab is selected and not one of the "Labs", "Medications", or "Allergies" tabs.
You can view these other tabs if you wish, but they will not be populated with data unless your care manager has added it to your patient chart.
Talk to your Care Manager on your next call if you would like to add any of this information to your patient portal.
Note: Make sure the "Vitals" tab is selected, If you would like to change which reading you are viewing click the drop-down bar to see your track-able reading options, reference the screenshot below.
Once clicked, the drop-down bar will show all the enabled readings you have. Your Care Manager will have enabled these for you. For this example we will be looking at my "Pulse" readings.
Note: If there is a reading you would like to track, that is not listed in the drop-down box let your Care Manager know on your next call that you are missing a reading option. For example, in the photo below, my Care Manager has only allowed me to track my Pulse and Blood Pressure. This means I will only see these options.
After I selected the "Pulse" option from the drop-down all the readings I have taken for body weight should appear to the right of the visible graph, this is highlighted below.
Note: If you notice that this page contains no readings and the graph is left blank it is possible that you or your Care Manager has not gotten around to entering readings. If there are supposed to be readings and they don't seem to be showing up, let your Care Manager know on your next call.
Now we are going to explain how one can add a new reading. Click the " + Add Reading " button located near the bottom left hand side of the screen.
Note: If your physician has provided a cellular integrated device (such as a BodyTrace BP cuff) for you to track your vitals you may not need to add any new readings. However, if readings are taken using a personal device they will have to be entered manually as shown in the next few steps.
Once the " + Add Reading " button is selected the user will see a new section appear underneath the readings table. This section is highlighted in red below.
Click the "Enter reading" text field and type the value of the vital that you would like to add to your listed device readings on screen. For this example we will be entering a pulse reading of "85".
Once the pulse reading is entered, you have the ability to increase or decrease the entered number by "0.01". For example if I click the arrow facing up the "85" reading I entered will increase to "85.01".
After the reading value has been entered, it is now time to add the "Time of reading". The prepopulated time of reading will have a current time and date. To change the date/time click the current date and time you see listed.
Once clicked, you will notice that a calendar appears.
Note: If you click outside of the calendar before clicking the "Apply" button your date and time change will not be added to the reading.
Click to select the date that the reading was taken. The chosen date will be highlighted in a dark blue.
After the correct date is chosen, select the time in which the reading was taken. Click the drop-down arrows to select the correct hour, minute, and time of day options.
Once the date and time of reading is selected click the "Apply" button at the bottom of the calendar, this is shown below in the screenshot.
Once all patient vital information has been entered correctly, click the "Save" button below the "Time of reading" box.
Once the reading has been added take a look at the reading table. Notice that the new reading has been added to the list under the correct date.
A manual reading may show a grey triangle with a exclamation point inside it, this is just letting the Care Manager know the reading has been manually entered.
Note: Readings can only be changed by your Care Manager, so if one was entered by accident make sure to let them know on your next call.
If at any time the user would like to see older readings, they may simply use the clickable arrows to navigate back to older readings.
Moving on, now lets focus on the "Graph over time" that is highlighted in the screenshot below. This graph gives the user a visualization of what their readings look like as time progresses. Only the most recent readings will be shown.
To choose the amount of time that the graph shows, click one of the letter options above the graph. The options are:
H - The most recent hour of readings
D - The most recent day of readings
W - The most recent week of readings
M - The most recent month of readings
For this example, we will be viewing the most recent month's readings, so we will be clicking the blue "M".
Notice that the graph changes to show that particular set of data for the time chosen (we chose to show the last month's readings in the last step).
When finished with the vitals page, navigate back to the home page by clicking the "Home" icon at the top of the screen.
Downloading a Completed Care Plan Assessment:
If you are a member of the Chronic Care Management Program it is possible that your Care Manager completed a "Care Plan" with you at some point.
If you would like to view a copy of your Care Plan click the "Care Plan Report" button at the top of the page to the right of the "Health Info" icon.
This will automatically open a PDF version of the patient's care plan. Feel free to look through or download the care plan from this screen.
Once you are finished with the care plan click the "X" at the top of the tab to close out the preview.
Viewing Patient Assigned Devices:
If your doctor has given you any cellular devices for you to track your daily Remote Patient Monitoring vitals they will be listed underneath the "Devices" section.
Click the "Devices" icon to see which devices have been assigned to you.
Once the "My Devices" page loads notice the device table shown on the page.
The device table will list the name of your devices, the device's ID, the date/time the device was "Connected on", and the date/time the "Last Measurement" was taken.
Other than viewing your assigned devices, users also have the ability to add a new device from this screen. If you would like to add a new device, click the "Add New Device" button that is located underneath the "My Devices" table.
Note: A user/patient does not have to assign their own devices, it may be easier to wait until you speak with your care manager so that they can add a device for you.
Once you get to the "Add New Device" page, notice the note at the top of the screen. "Below are the devices you can connect to your account", this is informing the user that all device types listed on the page can be connected to your care manager, so that they have the ability to view your vitals as you take them.
Note: If a user has a device such as a fitbit they may want link their fitbit account to the patient portal, so that their Care Manager can see statistics like how many steps a patient took in a given day, or the number of hours the patient slept the previous night.
If a user would like to add a device on their own, simply click the blue " + Connect " button underneath the company's device you are using.
Note: To connect a device a user/patient must first have an already created online account with the company. If the user doesn't have an account with the company but does have a device, you may want to talk to your Care Manager to have them set up an account for you.
By clicking the " + Connect " button, you will be taken to the company's login page. Login as you normally would to connect your device
Note: Upon logging in you may be prompted to allow "ThoroughCare" access to your numbers. Make sure to allow access or your readings will not be transferred.
When finished adding a new device, return to the home screen by clicking the "House" icon.
Viewing Assigned Patient Task List:
ThoroughCare is in the process of building the task list feature out, so currently there is nothing located on the "My Task List" page if you were to click on it. Check back in the future to see what you can do here!
Viewing My Schedule:
If you would like to view your future call schedule, select the "My Schedule" icon at the top of the page.
Once the "My Schedule" page loads, notice the scheduled calls listed. Future calls will be highlighted in blue, and completed calls will be highlighted in green.
To access other helpful ThoroughCare articles in the Knowledge Base or to get help from the ThoroughCare Support team members, click the βiβ icon in the top right corner of the software next to the username and use the appropriate link!