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Bulk Actions Dropdown

How to use the Bulk Actions Dropdown on the Worklist

Bill Ruby avatar
Written by Bill Ruby
Updated today

Have you ever sent a letter or email to a group of patients, or needed to flag multiple patients at once? ThoroughCare now offers a "Bulk Actions" dropdown on the worklist that can help users complete mass actions across a number of patients. Continue through the following article to learn how to use these features to make managing patients easier than ever!

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Navigate to the Target Worklist

Begin by navigating to the the target program's worklist. For this example, we will be using the CCM worklist, users can navigate here by clicking the "Chronic Care Management" title or any of the displayed pre-filters listed within the "Chronic Care Management" section.

From the worklist, use the "Filter" button to sort the list of patients to that target group that should be included in the mass action job.

Selecting Patients to Complete Bulk Action

Once any necessary filters are applied, a user must then select the patients that should be included in the bulk action. If a user needs to select all records, click the small check box in the far left corner of the table as displayed below.

Note: This will select all patients that are shown per your filtering results. Double check that your filtering settings are correct before logging time on all patients.

If a user wants to pick individual patients, instead of including all filtered patients, simply click within the checkbox located to the far left of the patient record.

Double check the list to make sure only patients that should be included are selected.

Note: You can check the amount of patients you have selected for the bulk action at the bottom of the worklist.

When it is confirmed the correct patients are selected, click the "Bulk Actions" dropdown located to the left of the "PDF" button.

Bulk Action Options

Once clicked, all bulk actions should be listed in the dropdown that appears. The options for bulk actions include:

  • Log Time - Will allow the user to mass log time across all selected patients (Admins Only).

  • Modify Flags - Will allow the user to add new flags, to be chosen, across all selected patients. Also allows the user to remove flags across all selected patients.

  • Care Plan Report - Will allow the user to generate a mass care plan report for all selected patients.

  • Change Department - Will allow the user to change the listed department for all selected patients.

  • Reassign Care Team - Will allow the user to change the assigned program Care Manager/Physician for all selected patients (Admins Only).

Bulk Log Time

If a user would like to bulk log time simply click the "Log Time" option listed within the dropdown.

Note: Only Admin users have the ability to bulk log time for multiple patients. If you believe you should be given admin clearance, contact your current site admin so they can request your user role to be changed.

Once the "Log time" pop-up appears, take a second to look over the details necessary to document the time spent on the selected patients.

Note: A count of how many patients are to be included in the mass time log is listed at the top of the pop-up in parentheses. The screenshot below shows that 3 patients were selected for the mass time log.

The first item in the pop-up asks the user to record the type of task that was completed. Click within the "Log this task" dropdown to view the list of time logger categories.

Begin typing or scroll through the list to locate the task that is to be chosen. When found, click to select the target task as highlighted in the screenshot below.

Next, the user should check the "As this user" field to make sure the selected user is the one who completed the task for the chosen patients. If this field needs changed, click within the "As this user" dropdown and select the correct user that should be shown on the time log.

Once the user who completed the task is confirmed, the admin can then choose the length of time spent. Click within the "For # of Mins" dropdown to select the length of the time log.

When the dropdown menu appears click to select how many minutes were spent completing the task. For this example, we are selecting the "7" minutes option.

Once the length of time is defined, an admin should check to make sure the date selected under "On this date" matches the date in which the task was completed. If the date recorded is incorrect, click within the "On this date" box and select the true date.

Once clicked, a dropdown calendar should appear beneath the date box. Click to select the correct date from the calendar, as displayed in the screenshot below.

Next, add any extra details to be included with the time log in the "Detailed Description" textbox. Click within the box labeled "Detailed Description" to begin typing.

When the entire "Log time" pop-up is filled out, the time log can then be created. Select the blue "Save" button to generate a job for the mass time log.

Note: Once the "Save" button is clicked a job to complete the mass time log will be created on the server. Depending on server activity and amount of patients being logged this task may take a while, allow time for the job to complete. If the mass time log is taking an abnormally long time to complete let one of our team members know, DO NOT attempt to mass log time multiple times for the same task unless directed to.

If the mass time log job was successfully created, the user should receive a orange notification in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Once the time log is finished the user should receive a white "Mass log time completed" pop-up, as shown below.

Note: At times a confirmation message may not appear, if this happens and you are unsure if the time log was successful, let a member of our team know before you attempt to re-log another mass time log.

Bulk Modify Flags

If a user would like to bulk update flags simply click the "Modify Flags" option listed within the dropdown.

If the bulk action is selected, the user should receive a "Modify Flag" pop-up. Depending on the desired flag updates, select the appropriate flags from the 'Add Flag' and 'Remove Flag' fields.

The 'Add Flag' field will display a list of all patient flags available for manual selection. Auto-generated flags such as PCM and Eligibility Errors will not be listed

Note: If no flags have been created for your practice this list may be empty, if you would like to learn how a site admin would go about creating new flags click here.

The 'Remove Flag' field will only display a list of any flags that are currently associated with the selected patient(s).

When all flags that are to be added are chosen, click the 'Save' button in order to begin the mass time flag job.

Note: If a user selects the same flag to both add and remove, they will receive an error upon saving and will not be able to move forward until the flag is removed from one of the fields.

Bulk Care Plan Reports

If a user would like to create bulk care plan reports simply click the "Care Plan Report" option listed within the dropdown.

If a user selects to "Care Plan Report" bulk action option, a "Care Plan Report" pop-up should appear on-screen. Notice this is the same "Care Plan Report" pop-up that is shown when creating an individual care plan report from a patient's program management page.

Note: If you need a more in-depth explanation of the items listed in the "Care Plan Report" pop-up, click here.

Click to select the report items that should be included in each patient's care plan summary that will be generated.

Once all the report details are checked off, make sure to specify the date range in which data/notes should be taken from. Click within the box labeled "Date Range" to edit the chosen date range.

Once the pop-up calendar appears click to select the target date range that the report should include information from.

Note: Make sure to select the first date of the range followed by the second date to properly define the range.

When the user has the correct range selected, click the "Apply" button to save the range.

Note: If a user clicks out of the date range pop-up before clicking the "Apply" button the user's selections may not populate in the "Care Plan Report" pop-up.

Finally, if all report details are selected the report may now be generated/started. Click the "Generate" button to begin the bulk report creation, as shown below.

If the report job was created successfully the user will receive a "Report is being generated" confirmation message.

Once the report is successfully generated the user will receive a second confirmation message as shown in the screenshot below.

Click this confirmation message to download the "zip" file containing all care plan reports that were to be included in the report.

In some cases the bulk care plan report may take a bit of time to complete.

Bulk Change Department

If a user would like to mass assign departments simply click the "Change Department" option listed within the dropdown.

Once the "Mass Change Departments" pop-up appears, click within the dropdown bar to choose a department that is to be assigned.

When the list of created departments appears click to select the target department that should be assigned to the selected patients.

Note: A department must be created in ThoroughCare before being assigned within the "Mass Change Department" pop-up. Talk with one of our team members if a department name is missing from this list.

If the user is sure they would like to reassign the chosen department click the "Save" button as shown below.

The webpage should question the user is they are "sure" they would like to mass reassign the selected patients to the target department. Click the "Ok" button to proceed with the reassignment.

If the department job is successfully created on the server, the user will receive a green confirmation message as shown below. Once the mass reassignment is complete the user will receive a second confirmation message letting them know the change was completed.

Bulk Reassign Care Team

If a user would like to mass reassign product care manager or physician simply click the "Reassign Care Team" option listed within the dropdown.

Note: Only Admin users have the ability to bulk log time for multiple patients. If you believe you should be given admin clearance, contact your current site admin so they can request your user role to be changed.

When the "Reassign CCM Care Manager / Physician of 3 Patient(s)" pop-up appears, click within the "Reassign to" dropdown to choose a care manager/physician that should be reassigned to the selected patients.

Once the list of care managers and physicians appears, scroll or begin typing to find the user that is to be assigned. Click to select the target user to assign.

Note: Only a Care Manager OR a Physician can be assigned at one time in this pop-up. Meaning you cannot reassign both a physician and care manager at the same time.

When the admin has the correct user chosen, click the "reassign" button.

The webpage should question the user is they are "sure" they would like to mass reassign the selected patients to the target user. Click the "Ok" button to proceed with the reassignment.

If the reassignment is successful, the admin should receive a green confirmation message in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

For more information on adding a device not discussed in this article or to get help from the ThoroughCare Support team members, click the β€˜i’ icon in the top right corner of the software next to the username and use the appropriate link!

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