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Manage Customer Settings
Manage Customer Settings

Editing Customer Settings for Individual Practices

Bill Ruby avatar
Written by Bill Ruby
Updated over 2 weeks ago

For ThoroughCare Customer Admins, the "Customer" page allows admins to create new users, set default customer users, manage practice patient/user notifications, define patient reading alerts for each practice, and set practice reading frequency. In the article, we will discuss how to use all of these handy features and more!

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Navigating to the "Customer" Page:

Begin by finding the "Customer" menu item listed underneath "Management".

On-click, the "Customer" page will appear. Notice the table in the center of the page, this lists all practices or ThoroughCare sites that are within an admin's customer group.

In this table one should see "Practice" name, "Subdomain", Count of "Active Users", total "Patients" per site, and "Action" column which contains an "Edit" button.

Creating a New User:

Next, take note that there is an " +Create New User " button, prior to the new Theme ThoroughCare only allowed admins to create new users through the "Users" page. Now an admin may also create them here, from the "Customers" page.

Note: you may notice the "Create User" pop-up is the same as the one offered on the "Users" page.

Managing Default Customer Users:

A new feature the "Customer" page offers is the ability for admins to select the users that are default for all newly created sites in ThoroughCare.

This will help admins save time when new ThoroughCare sites are added. Instead of individually having to edit users to grant them access to new practices, Customer admins will be able to add users to the "Manage Default Customer Users" list which will automatically give these users access to any newly created practices/sites.

To edit the list of default users, select "Manage Default Customer Users" in the upper middle/right hand corner of the "Customer" page.

When the "Manage Default Customer Users" pop-up appears notice if any users are already added.

If a user is not meant to be a default customer user admins can delete them from the list by clicking the small "X" to the left of the user's name.

If a new user is to be added to the list simply click any of the white space withing the text-box. Use the drop down bar that appears to select the user's name which should be added to the list.

Note: You can begin typing the users name to narrow down the drop down list.

Whenever the list is completed make sure to save the changes by clicking "Save". Otherwise the list change will not be finalized.

Editing Practice Settings:

The next feature the "Customer" page offers is the ability to edit individual practice settings for each site a customer has in ThoroughCare. Select "Edit" under the "Actions" column to open a practice's settings.

Editing Practice Users:

ThoroughCare offers a time saving way of adding users to the site the admin is editing. Once the "Edit" button is clicked the "Edit Practice" pop-up will appear.

Note: Notice the "Default Users" for all sites are listed underneath the "Users" tab in the "Edit" practice settings pop-up below.

Note: In the "Edit Practice" pop-up you will see four different tabs. How to use all four of these tabs will be explained throughout the rest of this article.

Under the "Users" tab, begin adding a user to a site by clicking the white space in "Users" text box.

Add a user by clicking their name out of the drop-down box that appears on-click.

Note: You can narrow down your search by typing the users name into the box. If you wish to delete a user from a site, click the small "X" by their name.

Once the user settings are correct make sure to click the "Save" button to save your changes.

Editing Practice Notification Channels:

Under the "Notification Channels" tab, customer admins have the ability to edit notification settings for both new users/patients being created and current users/patients.

Note: The first section of the "Notification Channels" tab we will discuss is the "User Notifications" highlighted below.

Select a notification type by clicking the checkbox next to the the notification you wish your users to receive.

Note: Push Notifications will be used when our new ThoroughCare app is released, web notifications are through ThoroughCare directly, email notifications will be sent directly to the users email, and text notifications will be sent to the user's phone.

Once, the user notifications are updated make sure to finalize the changes by selecting either "Set for New Users" or "Set for All Users".

Whichever one is chosen will determine whether all users are updated or whether just newly created users are meant to be affected.

Once one of these buttons are clicked, the admin should receive a confirmation message in the upper right hand corner of their screen that the "Practice was updated".

Under the "Patient Notification Settings" section, admins will see the options they have to send their patients notifications over email, text, or push notification (which again, will be released with the app). As before, select which notification type you wish the patient to receive by clicking the check boxes.

Note: If you have finished editing the notification settings remember to save, if you would like to specify an "On-Call User" continue through these steps.

Notice the "On-Call Staff" section at the bottom of the pop-up.

Click the drop down bars to select the working hours of the on-call user along with the name of the user that is on call.

When all changes have been finished make sure to click the "Save" button before exiting the pop-up.

Editing Practice Reading Alerts:

The "Reading Alerts" tab allows customer admins to select the "Normal", "Caution", and "Critical" ranges for patient readings that are sent or recorded in ThoroughCare. The readings that customers have the ability to set target ranges for include:

  • Pulse

  • Blood Glucose (Before and After Meal)

  • Blood Pressure (Systolic and Diastolic)

  • Spo2

  • Body Weight

  • Peak Flow

To simply set these parameters begin dragging the "white squares" at either end of the "green bar".

Notice that once the "Normal" range or "green" range is specified, an admin then can go on to indicate "Caution" and even "Critical" levels of readings by moving the next square that appears after "Normal" parameters are identified.

Next, specify the "When value changes by" drop down. Here, admins can indicate how much the value has to change and over a period of time for care mangers to be alerted to the change.

When the parameters are completed, make sure to "Set for New Patients" or "Set for All Patients" to update the changes.

Notice that both Blood Glucose and Blood Pressure have two "green" bars as opposed to Pulse's one bar. This is to accommodate for both before and after eating Glucose levels, and both systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings.

If and admin wishes to reset the "Alert Range" for any of the numbers listed simply click the "Reset" button located underneath the reading you wish to redefine.

Note: Make sure to save all changes when finished.

Editing Practice Reading Frequency:

Here, customer admins have the ability to specify the "Reading Frequency" for their RPM patients. Notice the different options our customers have when specifying their reading frequencies.

First, set the warning users will receive if the patient has gone "X" amount of days without readings, for this example we chose "5 days" from the selections in the drop-down box. Then specify the amount of out of range readings need to be taken before someone is notified or the drastic change in readings.

Next, admins can chose the frequency of readings for different numbers to track such as Blood Glucose and Pulse readings. Click the drop down bar located to the right of the reading you wish to specify frequency for.

Once frequency is chosen, specify if this change should be made to all patients or just new patients.

Remember when you have finished with specifying frequencies of readings always save the page.

Editing Practice Disclaimers:

The disclaimers tab will allow customer admins the ability to add custom disclaimers to the bottom of generated care plan or HRA reports. Simply add your disclaimer to the associated text box and select to save.

​Disclaimer Example:

To access other helpful ThoroughCare articles in the Knowledge Base or to get help from the ThoroughCare Support team members, click the β€˜i’ icon in the top right corner of the software next to the username and use the appropriate link!


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