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Condition Assessments

How to Complete a Condition Assessment

Bill Ruby avatar
Written by Bill Ruby
Updated over a week ago

In addition to ThoroughCare's initial care plan assessment, users have the ability to begin individual condition assessments.

The individual condition assessments are helpful when a new manageable condition is added to the patient's care plan after the initial care plan is already finalized. Instead of having to complete yet another assessment on all of the patient's conditions, users now have the ability to complete an assessment for a single condition.

Beginning a Condition Assessment:

Once on the patient's view page, scroll to and click on the "Care Management" tab. After that you should see a section titled "Conditions Information".

Click on "View All" button to see the list of conditions that have been attributed to this patient.

When you do so, a pop-up titled "Edit Patient Conditions" will appear and the conditions will be listed.

Note: Make sure there is not a care plan assessment already opened. If so, you will not see an option to "Start New"

If a user wishes to start a new condition assessment click the "Start New" button located to the right of the target condition.

Once you click "Start New", the pop-up will disappear and you'll be taken to the assessment screen. You'll be able to scroll through all of the questions and answer the questions accordingly.

Just like with the initial assessment, you can click "Finish Later" to finish the assessment at a later time, or you can click "Finalize Assessment" to complete it if all questions have been responded to.

Note: Only the condition specific questions will be included in these assessments. This makes the condition assessment rather short compared to the normal care plan assessment.

If a user happens to select the "Finish Later" button, they will not be able to begin another assessment of that same type until that one has been closed or finalized.

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