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Patient Chart
Bill Ruby avatar
Written by Bill Ruby
Updated yesterday

A new look is being deployed to patient show pages in ThoroughCare. This change was made to further elevate efficiency while using ThoroughCare.

Article Sections

Patient Header

You will first notice the blue shaded region at the top of the page contains all of the patient's important information. This section along with this patient's notes section will be displayed at the top of each page as you work on this patient.

Patient Info

The "Patient Info" tab will be used to view/edit patient information.

Editing A Patients Primary Care Team

Editing a patient's primary care team will now only be available through the "Edit Patient" button.


Program Pages

There is no single programs tab on this page. Programs can be found under "Care Management", "Wellness", and "Transitions" tabs.

Care Management - CCM/PCM, BHI, RPM, CCO

Wellness - AWV, ACP, HRA

Transitions - TCM

The program pages will have a very familiar look and feel to them along with the addition of being able to easily view enrollments in other programs as well as enroll in another program right from this page.

You are able to easily switch between programs using the sub-tabs directly next to the program name you are currently viewing.

Note: Only enabled programs on your practice will be displayed.

Enrolling Into A Time Based Program

You will be able to easily view programs a patient is enrolled in from the "Care Management" Tab. From here, all of the time-based programs your practice has enabled will be viewable.

Enrolling a patient into a program will be done by simply selecting the blue "Enroll" button displayed next to the program name.


A green checkbox to the right of the program name will signify this patient has a current enrollment in this program.


A red X in this location will signify this patient is currently inactive in this program.

Inactivated this month:

An orange X in this location will indicate the patient was inactivated during the current month.

Updating A Patient's Enrollment

You are able to update a patient's current enrollment by selecting the enrollment icon next to a program tab or clicking within the 'Enrollment And Consent' workflow circle.


The "Assessments/Screenings" tab is almost identical to the original "Assessments" tab however BHI Screenings have now been added to this section as well.

Note: This screenings section will not be displayed if BHI is not enabled for your practice.

Additional Tabs

For users who are using a smaller screen, you will notice a scrollbar allowing you to access all of these other tabs that may be initially hidden.

To access other helpful ThoroughCare articles in the Knowledge Base or to get help from the ThoroughCare Support team members, click the β€˜i’ icon in the top right corner of the software next to the username and use the appropriate link!

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