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Task List

The Task List Panel allows users to create, assign, and complete tasks in order to assist users in their daily workflows.

Bill Ruby avatar
Written by Bill Ruby
Updated over a year ago

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Navigating the Task List Panel

The Task List button is displayed on the right-hand side of all ThoroughCare pages.

Clicking on the Task List button will open the Task List Panel.

When opened, the Task List Panel will display the current week’s date range. Users may navigate through the Task List in one week increments either by using the blue arrows to the left & right of the date range or by clicking on the date range to bring up a date picker.

NOTE: Weeks for the Task List run from Monday to Sunday.

NOTE: Users may still interact with all sections of ThoroughCare software while the Task List Panel is extended out and displayed.

Clicking on the ‘X’ on the top-right corner of the Task List Panel will close the Task List.

Adding a Task

When first using the Task List (or if all tasks have been marked complete) the Task List will appear blank. To add a task, navigate to and click on the ‘+ Add Task’ button.

The ‘Add Task’ modal will then be displayed for a user to create a task.

By default, the user’s name will appear in the dropdown for the User selection field. A user may assign a task to themselves or assign it out to other users in their practice.

NOTE: Only Admins may see the task lists of other users within their practice. This will be covered in another section below.

While optional, tasks may be assigned to a patient in the user’s practice.

NOTE: When relating a task to a patient, the task will become connected to a patient’s chart and when saved, the patient’s name will appear as a hyperlink next to the task title in the task list.

A due date must be set for a task to be created. Only current and future dates may be selected when assigning a due date for a task.

A task is required to have a name or descriptive title.

A description or a note may be entered into the free text box at the bottom of the modal.

If users want this task to repeat itself at set intervals in the future then they can select the ‘Make Recurring?’ checkbox. Clicking this option will present the user with multiple frequency choices to select from.

Finally, should users want to mark a task complete, they may select the ‘Mark Complete’ checkbox within the modal. Users still need to select the ‘Save’ button to have their updates reflected in the task panel.

NOTE: If users create a recurring task and check the box to ‘Mark Complete’ then the initial task will be marked as completed and the recurring task will appear on the user’s task list for future dates in accordance to the time interval set upon task creation.

When ready, users may then click the save button to populate their task and details to the task list or to save their edits to a previously made task.

The task will now appear on the task list under the appropriate day header selected for its due date.

If a patient was selected during task creation then the patient name will appear as a blue hyperlink between the task checkbox and the task title. Clicking on the hyperlink will take the user directly to that patient’s chart.

Users will also see a pop-up confirmation upon successful task creation.

Editing Tasks

If a task needs to be modified such as changing who it is assigned to (user or patient wise) or the date, then users may click on the desired task to bring up the ‘Edit Task’ modal.

When viewing an already created task, the read-only ‘Created By:’ field will be displayed at the top of the modal. This field indicates who originally created the task and never changes even if the task is reassigned to another user.

Selecting a different user for a task in the ‘User Assigned’ dropdown and then saving in the modal will transfer the task from the current user to the selected person’s task list.

Users may also add a patient, change the patient associated with the task, change the due date, edit the task name, or add/edit a note.

Users may also delete a task using the ‘Delete’ button in the Edit Task modal.

As mentioned above, users may also utilize the Edit Task modal to mark that a task has been completed using the respective checkbox near the bottom of the modal and then saving.

Overdue & Completed Tasks

When a task goes past its designated due date, then the task will become overdue. Overdue tasks will show at the top of the Task List under a red Overdue banner.

Overdue tasks may be marked as complete in order to remove them from the Task List or they may be edited to have their due date pushed to a later date.

NOTE: Overdue items will always show until a user edits the date of the task, completes it, or deletes it.

When a task is marked as complete, it will move to the ‘Completed’ task list. To view completed tasks, navigate to the filter dropdown in the top-right of the Task Panel and select the ‘Completed’ option.

NOTE: Completed tasks are viewable within the Task List by navigating to the week the task’s due date was assigned.

NOTE: Completed tasks may not be deleted or have their details edited. Deselect the checkbox for ‘Mark Complete’ to return a task back to an active state where it may then be edited.

Bulk Actions for Task List

Bulk actions are available through the Task List Panel should 1 or more tasks be selected through their checkboxes on the left-hand side of all task items.

NOTE: Users may click on ‘Select All’ to select all tasks on their list. Once 1 or more items are selected, the ‘Clear Selection’ text will be displayed. If ‘Clear Selection’ is clicked, all checked checkboxes will be deselected.

Once an item or items are selected, proceed to the ‘Bulk Action’ dropdown button. If the user is viewing Active tasks, then they will see the options to ‘Update Tasks,’ ‘Mark Complete,’ and ‘Delete.’

If a user selects the ‘Update Tasks’ bulk action, then they can reassign the user associated with the task(s) AND/OR edit the due date of the task(s).

Users may also use the ‘Mark Complete’ bulk action to mark multiple tasks as complete. Users may then change the filter to ‘Completed’ to view the completed tasks.

Finally, users may use the bulk action option ‘Delete’ to perform mass deletion of items from their list.

NOTE: Bulk actions to ‘Update Tasks’ or ‘Delete’ will prompt a browser confirmation to the user to confirm their desired action.

User Selection (Admin-Only)

Admin users will have a user select dropdown box displayed on their Task List Panel.

Admins are able to view the Task Lists of other users in their practice by utilizing the dropdown and selecting the desired user.

All functionality previously discussed may be used when viewing another user’s Task List such as individual task edits, marking tasks active/complete, adding tasks, deleting tasks, and bulk updates (reassigning the user, changing the due date, marking complete or active, and mass delete).

Task Notifications

Notifications will be sent when a user assigns a task to another user.

Notifications will also be sent to a Care Manager’s Practice Admin when a task becomes overdue.

Care Managers and other users can modify their notifications for patient task assignments by navigating to their settings section under their username in the top-right corner of ThoroughCare.

Practice Admin can also modify their notifications for overdue tasks through the settings screen options.

NOTE: Practice Admin do not receive notifications when their own tasks become overdue or when other Practice Admin have a task go overdue.

Workflows for Reassigning Tasks

As mentioned above, tasks can be assigned to another user during task creation or they can be reassigned to others when editing a task in a user’s Task Panel.

Tasks may also be bulk reassigned from one user’s task list to another user’s list by using the bulk action button within the Task Panel.

Tasks will also be reassigned when a patient’s Primary Care Manager or Provider is changed through the ‘Edit Patient’ button on a patient’s chart.

All of the patient’s related tasks from the previous Primary Care Manager or Provider will be transferred and assigned to the selected user's Task Panel.

Tasks may be reassigned using worklists and their bulk action functionality.

When users select a checkbox for 1 or more patients in a program worklist, they may click on the 'Bulk Actions' button and select the 'Reassign Care Team' option.

This will display the 'Reassign CCM Care Manager/Physician' modal in which the header will show the number of patients selected.

Users may select the checkbox to 'Move assigned tasks to the selected user.' This option will be selected by default in the modal.

NOTE: This workflow will transfer all tasks related to the patients selected through the Bulk Action workflow from the previous Primary Care Manager(s) to the selected user's Task Panel and assign them to that user.

Tasks can also be transferred through the Patient Assignments section found under the Management options on the side-menu.

Here a user may click on the 'Reassign' button for a listed user and then click on the ‘Assign’ button found in the modal that is then displayed.

Users may select another user from the dropdown and select the checkbox for ‘'Move assigned tasks to the selected user.' This option is selected by default.

NOTE: This workflow will transfer all tasks related to the patients selected through the Bulk Action workflow from the previous Primary Care Manager(s) to the selected user's Task Panel and assign them to that user.

NOTE: A notification will be sent to reassigned users when tasks are transferred to them.

To access other helpful ThoroughCare articles in the Knowledge Base or to get help from the ThoroughCare Support team members, click the ‘i’ icon in the top right corner of the software next to the username and use the appropriate link!

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