User Notifications

ThoroughCare's New User Notifications Feature

Joel Barnes avatar
Written by Joel Barnes
Updated over a week ago

With the introduction of the new theme, ThoroughCare is adding a brand new feature for patient push notifications! These notifications will help notify Care Managers if there are any significant changes in their patient's numbers or risk level.

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Viewing User Notifications:

Users are able to view notifications in two different ways. The first way is through the "bell" icon located in the upper right-hand corner of every ThoroughCare screen.

NOTE: If you are up to date on viewing your notifications this bell will resemble the one shown below.

If a user has unread notifications, the icon will have a small bubble number located on the "bell".

NOTE: This number represents how many unread notifications a user has. If the notification count is over 9 the icon will reflect as "9+" over the bell icon.

Click the "bell" icon to see the list of the user's unread Notifications.

Notifications Page:

You can also view notifications by navigating to the user "Notifications" tab located on the "hamburger" menu.

Once on the ‘Notifications’ page, users have the ability to use the ‘Filter’ button to define how they would like to view their notifications.

NOTE: The filter option, ‘Status: Unread,’ is enabled by default when viewing the ‘Notifications’ page.

The ‘Worklist Filter’ can be set to sort by:

  • Status:

    • All

    • Read

    • Unread

    • Archived

  • Priority:

    • All

    • Urgent

    • High

    • Medium

    • Low

  • Date Range

  • Care Manager

To mark a single notification as "Read", click the red "Mark as Read" button located under the "Actions" column.

To mark multiple notifications as "Read", select notifications by clicking the selection checkbox to the left of the notification.

When the record is selected click the "Mark as Read" button.

You may also select the checkbox within the initial row of column titles to select all notification checkboxes below in one click.

To view a notification, click the "View" button located under the "Actions" column.

Hitting the ‘View’ button will display the notification to the user as a modal pop-up.

How to Edit User Notification Settings:

To navigate to your notification settings, click your account "Name" located in the upper right-hand corner.

Once the Drop-down options appear, select "Settings".

Once on the "Account Settings" page scroll all the way to the bottom to view the user "Notification Settings".

The ‘Notifications Settings’ section is highlighted below. The section is split into three categories: General, RPM, and Portal [with associated items below them].

The majority of items can be set to ‘Enabled’ and once clicked will allow users to then set if such notifications should be set to ‘Push,’ ‘Email,’ or ‘Text.’

NOTE: A user must have an email or phone number setup in their profile, or the ‘Email’ and ‘Text’ notification options will be disabled after setting the item to ‘Enabled.’ Deselecting ‘Enabled’ will deselect all other items connected to that notification type.

  • Under ‘General’ Header

    • When you have an upcoming appointment

    • High-Severity Patient Assessment Score

    • Incomplete Assessment

    • Clinical Networks ADT

    • Gaps in Care Identified

    • Provider Sign Off Needed for a Patient

    • Provider Sign Off Completed for a Patient

    • Patient Assignments

  • Under ‘RPM’ Header

    • Remote Patient Reading is in Critical Range

    • Consecutive Remote Patient Reading are Outside of Recommended Range

    • Remote Patient Reading is Outside of Recommended Range

    • Patient Reading Overdue Reminder

    • Total Reading Received Since Last Login

    • Patient connected a new Device

  • Under ‘Portal’ Header

    • Patient submitted Task Note

    • Patient submitted Progress Note

    • New chat message from patient

NOTE: Many of the notifications revolve around Remote Patient Monitoring of patient numbers, so it is possible a few of these options may not be used by individual users because their TC site doesn't have the "RPM" module enabled.

Whenever a user has finished editing their "Notification Settings" make sure to select the "Save" button, otherwise the changes that have been made will not be saved.

Notification Types

Enabling Patient Assignment Notifications

Navigate to the User Settings under the Username in the top-right corner of TC software.

Scroll down to the section labeled ‘Notification Settings’ and click on the checkbox to indicate that you want the ‘Patient Assignment’ Notifications feature enabled.

Then click the checkboxes for how you would like to receive the notification, either through Push, Email, and/or Text.

Notifications for New Patient Assignments

When a new patient is assigned to a Care Team, they will receive the following notifications:

  • For Push/Email, the title/subject will read: "New patient assignment."

  • For Push/Email/Text - the message will read: "A new patient has been assigned to you."

NOTE: The Patient Assignments notification option is enabled by Default.

Enabling Monthly Provider Sign Off Notifications

Navigate to the User Settings under the Username in the top-right corner of TC software.

Scroll down to the section labeled ‘Notification Settings’ and click on the checkboxes to indicate that you want the feature enabled, and then how you would like to receive the notification either through Push, Email, and/or Text.

Notifications for Monthly Provider Sign Off

When the ‘Provider Sign Off’ practice option is enabled, the Provider will be notified when sign off is needed for a patient chart and the enabled option will also notify Care Manager when the sign off is completed.

When a sign-off is needed, the notification will appear to a Provider as:

  • For Push/Email, the title/subject will read: "Provider sign off needed for a patient."

  • For Push/Email/Text - the message will read: “A patient's Care Plan is ready for your sign off.”

When a Provider has signed-off on a patient, the following notification will be received by a Care Manager:

  • For Push/Email, the title/subject will read: "Provider has completed provider sign off."

  • For Push/Email/Text, the message will read: "Provider has signed off on a patient's Care Plan.”

Note: Both Provider Sign-off notification options are enabled by Default.

To access other helpful ThoroughCare articles in the Knowledge Base or to get help from the ThoroughCare Support team members, click the ‘i’ icon in the top right corner of the software next to the username and use the appropriate link.

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