This document explains the options within the navigation menu.
Navigation Menu Agenda:
Admin-Only Navigation Menu:
Toggling the Navigation Menu:
To view or hide the menu, click on the "hamburger" icon on the top left of your screen, as shown below.
Navigation Menu Options:
The Dashboard option will navigate the user back to the customer dashboard. This is the landing page in ThoroughCare that you first see when you login.
The next menu item will be the "Programs" tab. When you click on it, the menu will expand, providing you with links to different program worklists such as CCM, PCM, RPM, AWV, etc.
Note: This will be individual to your personalized ThoroughCare site. Only programs your site has enabled will be available.
Billing and Claims
As a Care Manager, click here to view the existing Billing and Claims page.
The Analytics reporting tool consists of "applications" (or a collection of reporting screens). These are comprised of "sheets" (where one sheet equates to one reporting screen).
It incorporates Data Analytic Reports into a number of "sheets" (or screens). Once selected, the Analytics Dashboard will be displayed on the right-hand side of the screen.
Note: If you do not see the "Qlik Reports" menu option, please contact your Site Administrator about gaining access to this reporting feature.
ThoroughCare's "Calendar" provides patient outreach and tracking functionalities. The calendar enables users to schedule, monitor, and track upcoming patient appointments and events.
This is the option that allows messaging to patients within your practice. It is used for both the patient portal messaging and text/SMS conversations between a patient and their care team.
By clicking here, you will be taken to your user's Notification Page where you can view and filter all patient notifications.
Download History
The Download History menu option will take you to the "Download History" section showing recent patient document downloads that have been initiated within the practice.
Admin-Only Navigation Menu:
Practice Admin users have access to the Management dropdown, where they can do various different administrative functions such as: edit users, create and edit patient flags, view patient assignments, etc.
The descriptions in the remainder of this article will pertain to functions within the "Management" dropdown.
Note: You may not see all of these options depending on your account's administrative permissions.
This section documents all actions taken by users in your practice. You'll be able to see what actions were taken by users regarding specific patients. The table will show all items (unless filtered) within the date and time range selected.
Call Purposes
Call Purposes specifically pertain to "active" interactions a user has with a patient (i.e. a phone call or video chat). In other words, this does not apply to text messages, faxes, or any other form of "passive" communication with a patient.
The list of call purposes in this section contains attributions that you can assign to a phone/video call when you document the interaction.
The order in this list is alphabetical by default, and will be the order you're presented with when you select a Call Purpose to assign to an interaction with a patient.
To edit this order, click on the up and down arrows in the "Order" column to move a Call Purpose up or down the list. In the example below, we show where to click to move "BHI Enrollment" up or down the list.
Additionally, you are free to add new call purposes to this list. You can do this by clicking on the blue "+Add new call purpose" button on the top right.
To learn more about how to add and configure call purposes, check out this article.
CP Report Templates
The CP (Care Plan) Report Templates section houses all existing templates for your practice's care plans, as well as the option to create a new care plan template.
To learn more about this section, visit: Care Plan Summary Report Templates.
This section contains a list of existing conditions that can be used in your practice environment, and which programs (CCM, CCO, etc.) they can be used for.
Additionally, you can add new conditions for your practice's specific use by clicking on the blue "+Add new Condition" button on the top right, as demonstrated below.
In the ensuing pop-up titled "Add Condition", you can title your new condition in the top bar. Then, use the dropdown list to associate your new condition with an existing medical condition. Finally, there is a list of programs where you can select the relevant ones to this condition by checking off their boxes.
After filling these fields out, click on the "Save" button and the new condition will be added to the "Practice specific conditions" list in the "Manage Conditions" section.
This section is available for Customer Administrators, and it allows admins to create new users, set default customer users, manage practice patient/user notifications, define patient reading alerts for each practice, and set practice reading frequency.
For more information on this section, check out this article: Manage Customer Settings.
Customer Dashboard
This section is also available for Customer Administrators. Here, they can see customer information from all practices in one dashboard. Additionally, you can change which month's data you're looking at by using the buttons on the top right, and you can export what you see into a .csv file by using the "Customer Report CSV" button in the middle above the data.
In any of these practices, if you click on the blue "View" button in the final column (titled "Actions"), a tab will open and you'll be taken to a page that shows an overview of the practice's performance in the specific programs they're participating in, as well as information on their billing and claims.
Discharge Locations
This page provides the list of discharge locations that users can use when engaging in Transitional Care Management (TCM) programs. When they are prompted to select a location/facility for discharge, this will be their list of options.
For more information on this page and instructions on how to add new discharge locations/facilities, see this article: Adding a New Discharge Location/Facility.
Insurance Coverages
This section allows practice administrators to outline the percentage of services covered by their particular insurance.
For more information on this page and its functions, see this article: Using Insurance Coverages.
Interaction Types
This page will show you all of the different types of interactions you can have with a patient. You can change the order of this list by using the up and down arrows in the "Order" column so that when you assign an interaction type to a patient, the dropdown list that you'll use will be ordered the way it is in this page. You can also disable the availability of any of these interaction types by clicking the red "Disable" button on the right.
Additionally, you can use the "+Add Interaction Type" button on the top right to add new interactions to this list by filling out the name of this new interaction, its purpose, and which programs it should be active for.
Outcome Statuses
This page will show you all of the different types of interaction outcomes you can have with a patient after attempting to reach them. You can change the order of this list by using the up and down arrows in the "Order" column so that when you assign an interaction outcome type to a patient, the dropdown list that you'll use will be ordered the way it is in this page. You can also disable the availability of any of these interaction types by clicking the red "Disable" button on the right.
Additionally, you can use the "+Outcome Status" button on the top right to add new outcome statuses to this list by filling out the name of this new outcome, whether it's set as "Successful" or "Attempted", which programs it should be active for, and the "Interaction Types" it should be associated to.
Patient Assignments
This page allows administrators to make changes to patient assignments based on care manager or physician. Here, administrators can control which patients are assigned to which users.
For more information on this page and how to use it, check out this article: Patient Assignments Page.
Patient Custom Fields
This page is where administrators can create custom patient fields, in order for users to document additional patient information within the patient's chart.
For further information on this page and its functionalities, see this article: Customizable Patient Fields.
Patient Flags
This section is where you'll be able to edit & create patient flags.
For more information on how to use this section, see these articles:
Permission Sets
This page is where administrators can adjust permission settings, which allows specific users access to various functionalities in ThoroughCare.
To learn more about how to navigate and use this page, see this article: Custom User Permission Sets.
Release Notes
Clicking on this button will take the user to the Release Notes page, which will provide the latest release notes that have been sent to you by ThoroughCare.
Risk Levels
This is where users can manage and add risk levels.
For further information on how to navigate and use this page, see this article: Practice Risk Levels.
Task Types
In this page, you'll be able to configure task types to various practices in order to best suit their needs and workflow.
For more information on how to navigate this section, see: Configurable Task Types.
TCM Status Reasons
Here, you'll see all of the reasons you can assign to a TCM status for a patient. You can add new ones by clicking on the blue "+Create new tcm status reason" button on the top right of the screen.
This is where administrators can see which practice users exist in ThoroughCare and their relevant details.
To learn how to use this page to create new users, see this article: Create and Edit Users.
Knowledge Base
Probably the most important option for beginners on ThoroughCare is our "Knowledge Base". By clicking this option you will be taken outside of ThoroughCare to our library of TC help knowledge!
You can reach the Knowledge Base by clicking on the "i" icon on the top right of the screen.
Once you do so, you'll be presented with a drop-down menu. Click on "Search the knowledge base", and you'll be taken to the Knowledge Base in a new tab.
Here, you'll be able to search for articles regarding ThoroughCare's many features.
To access other helpful ThoroughCare articles in the Knowledge Base or to get help from the ThoroughCare Support team members, click the βiβ icon in the top right corner of the software next to the username and use the appropriate link!