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Automated BMI Calculations

ThoroughCare's new Height and Weight calculations assist users in tracking patient BMIs

Bill Ruby avatar
Written by Bill Ruby
Updated over a year ago

ThoroughCare's new BMI automation functionality removes the manual calculation and entry of patient BMIs previously required of users. Patients who are enabled with Body Height, Body Weight, and BMI Measurements in their Devices tab are now set up to have their BMIs updated once their height and weight has been properly documented.

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Patient Setup

Patients added to ThoroughCare and enabled for Body Height, Body Weight, and BMI measurements prior to BMI tracking automation will receive updated BMI recordings for any height and weight measurements entered in the previous 12 months, and will be entered for the same date as the Body Weight measurement that was used in the calculation. If a patient already had any BMI measurements entered during those 12 months, ThoroughCare will only add new measurements and not duplicate any BMI measurements that were manually entered by a user.

Patients added after the addition of BMI tracking automation will begin receiving their automated BMI calculations as soon as they are enabled for Body Height, Body Weight, and BMI in their Devices tab.

Patients with Electronic Weight Recordings

Automated BMI calculations will occur whether a patient's weight measurements are being added to ThoroughCare through a registered electronic device or through manual effort. To receive the calculations based of an electronic device, the patient needs to be enabled for Body Weight, and its default device set to a registered weight scale.

As long as one or more valid height measurements are documented for the patient, any new weight measurements sent via their registered weight scale will also result in a new BMI measurement dated for the same day the weight measurement was received.

Note: If more than one height result is recorded for the patient, the BMI calculation will always use the most recent entry.

Patients with Manual Weight Recordings

If a patient is not set up with a registered weight scale device, they are still eligible to receive automated BMI updates if their Body Weight default device is set to 'Manual Input'. Similar to calculations using electronic weight measurements, a new BMI will be calculated for any new weight measurement that is entered directly into the patient's ThoroughCare record by a user.

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