Adding and Setting Up an RPM Device
Adding and setting up a Remote Patient Monitoring device in ThoroughCare is an easy process that only takes a few minutes. For this guide, we’ll be showing you how to add and set up a BodyTrace device step-by-step.
Step 1: Navigate to Patient Page
Head to the patient’s page that you would like to add an RPM device for. Select the "Devices" tab.
Step 2: Enable Measurement
In the devices tab, select the type of measurement from the drop-down list to the right of “Enabled Measurements:”. For this example, we will be setting up a RPM Blood Pressure Monitor for the patient.
After you select Blood Pressure, it will appear as an Enabled Measurement in the table below the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Add A Device
Next, you'll see below the Enabled Measurements you can add a device. Find the blue “Add a Device” button to the right of the “Provider Registered Devices:” text, and click it.
Step 4: Select the Device Type and Enter Device ID
A pop-up box will display.
Click the Device Type drop-down menu.
Under the Body Trace heading, select the device you want. In our case, we are setting up a Blood Pressure Monitor for the patient. We will select “Blood Pressure Monitor”.
In the Device ID box, you will need to locate the 15-digit ID on the back of your RPM device. For our case, the 15-digit ID is on the back of the Blood Pressure Monitor. You can find the 15-digit ID underneath the QR code (location and length of the device ID varies with RPM devices).
You can also find 2 check boxes below the Device ID box. The first is to indicate that the device was supplied by the provider, and the other is to enable automatic generation of ICD-10 code 99453 after 16 readings. Most cases will call for both boxes to be checked, but you can uncheck the boxes at your own discretion.
Lastly, users may include notes about what they helped the patient with, regarding the new device they are setting up, in the text box at the bottom of the pop-up.
Once finished, select the blue "Save" button.
Step 5: Patient Begins Taking Readings
At this point, you can instruct the patient to begin using their device.
Step 6: Track Patient’s Data
Next, navigate to the Care Management tab.
From here, scroll down and select the "Patient Vitals" tab, located under the "Ongoing Monthly Workflow" section.
Here you will be able to see a patient's RPM device readings once they start to use the device.
For this patient, you can see we are tracking both Pulse and Blood Pressure. Since we are monitoring blood pressure, we can take a deeper look into what else we can track. Select the blue "Details" button in the Blood Pressure section.
You can see each reading that the patient has taken presented in the table on the left side of the screen, with a graph on the right that shows the trends of the patient's readings over time. Below those, users can also select which device is the "default device" from a drop down, and add additional notes regarding these readings. Note that the color of the reading in the table on the left will correspond to the ranges set by the user at the bottom of the page.
Lastly, users can set ranges for their patient's readings. There are three categories of readings: Normal, Out of Range, and Critical. For our patient below, we have a Normal Range for Systolic Blood Pressure set between 95 and 139. For Diastolic, the normal range is set between 69 and 96. Based upon those ranges, you can set the Out of Range and Critical Range values per patient.