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Device Readings Queue
Device Readings Queue

Easy tracking of Critical and Caution Severity Electronic Patient Readings

Written by Cayla Fontaine
Updated over 3 weeks ago

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The Device Reading Queue is a table that populates all patient device readings received into ThoroughCare that are associated with a severity of either Critical or Caution. This queue allows for a streamlined workflow where users can easily identify patients who may be at risk due to their readings in real time and make contact with them sooner to address their issues. It also allows users to access important aspects of the patient’s record and document on the patient without having to enter individual charts.

To enable the Device Readings Queue for your practice, please contact ThoroughCare.

How to Navigate the Device Readings Queue

Entering the Queue

Users can access the Device Readings Queue by clicking on the wave icon located at the top right of their ThoroughCare screens.

When the icon populates an additional orange symbol, users will know that there are readings present that require attention. When the orange symbol is absent they will know that there is nothing that needs to be addressed at that time.

Queue Columns

Once a user has entered the Device Readings Queue screen, they will see a table that displays all applicable readings by row. The table’s columns include:

  • Patient - Displays the patient’s name, date of birth, EHR ID (if available), and primary phone number (if available). The patient’s name contains a hyperlink that, when clicked, navigates the user to the patient’s Patient Info tab.

  • Severity - Displays the severity of the reading based on that patient’s listed range for the associated enabled measurement.

  • Measurement Type - Displays the enabled measurement associated with the reading.

  • Value - Displays the reading received from the patient’s device.

  • Elapsed Time - Displays a dynamic counter that populates the amount of time, to the second, that the reading has been sitting in an active status (New or Follow-Up).

    • Users can view the date/time that the reading was taken by the patient and the time that the reading was set to ‘Snooze’ (if applicable) by hovering over the Elapsed Time.

  • Assigned User - Contains the functionality that allows users to assign, unassign, and reassign readings and displays the name of the assigned user when available.

  • RPM Care Manager - Displays the name of the user listed as the patient’s Care Manager in the patient’s RPM Care Management screen (if available).

  • Status - Displays the current status of the device reading. Status options include:

    • New - Unassigned or assigned readings that have been received into ThoroughCare but not yet documented on.

    • Snoozed - Unassigned readings that have already been addressed by a user but still require additional work after a set amount of time.

    • Follow Up - Unassigned or assigned readings that have not been documented on since their set snooze duration ended.

    • Completed - Assigned readings that have been successfully addressed and require no additional documentation.

Note: Only ‘New’ and ‘Follow Up’ statuses will be populated in the default view.

To view ‘Snoozed’ and/or ‘Completed’ readings, users must manually filter the


  • Reading Actions - Contains the action buttons available for each reading, including:

    • Open - When clicked, opens the reading’s documentation modal where users can document, review previous notes related to the measurement type, and update the reading’s status.

    • View Last 30 Days - When clicked, displays all of the patient’s readings for the past 30 days for all measurement types.

Queue Filters

The Device Readings Queue table allows for additional filtering to assist users in accessing specific readings. The available filters include:

  • Severity

  • Measurement Type

  • Status

  • RPM Care Manager

  • Assigned User

To add filters, click the ‘Filter’ button located in the top right of the screen.

How to Assign Users

The Device Readings Queue allows users to assign readings to both themselves and to others by using the buttons located in the table’s ‘Assigned User’ column.

To assign a reading to yourself, click on the ‘Assign to Me’ button.

To assign a reading to another user, click the plus sign (+) to populate a list of all available users, search for users by typing or scrolling through the list, and select the appropriate name.

If a patient has more than one reading present in the Device Readings Queue, when a reading is assigned, the user will have the option to assign all of those patient-related users to the same user.

If the user clicks ‘Yes’, all readings will be assigned without any additional effort. If the user clicks ‘No’, only the additional readings will remain unassigned.

Note: In an effort to avoid duplicate work and patient contact, patient readings are restricted from being assigned to multiple users at a time. In order to assign a different user to the patient, users must either manually unassign the affected readings or wait for those readings to be completed by the originally assigned user.

To unassign a reading, click the ‘x’ located next to the user’s name to repopulate the ‘Assign to Me’ and plus sign (+) buttons.

Automatic User Assignment

In the event that a user accesses and documents on an unassigned reading, the ‘Assigned User’ column will automatically populate that user’s name.

How to Update Readings

To update a reading from the Device Readings Queue, click the reading’s ‘Open’ button to populate reading’s modal.

Each reading modal contains the following information:

  • A header that displays the reading’s associated ‘Severity’ and ‘Measurement Type’.

  • The patient’s first and last name.

    • Click the arrow next to the patient’s name to reveal their DOB, EHR ID, and Preferred Phone Number.

  • A New Measurement_Type Detail Note field.

    • Users are required to enter text in this field before being able to snooze or complete the modal.

    • All notes will automatically be saved with the reading’s severity, value, and date/time taken.

    • All notes entered in this field will be displayed in the patient’s Vitals section alongside all other enabled measurement notes.

  • A Previous Blood Pressure Detail Notes section.

    • Pulls in all documented notes related to that measurement type, including those documented through the queue or directly through the associated enabled measurement card in the patient chart.

  • The Snooze function.

    • Allows users to set a specified duration of time that the reading will fall off of their active list to be used in the event that the reading requires multiple touchpoints before completing.

    • Users can choose to ‘Snooze’ a reading by selecting a pre-set time or manually setting a custom time up to 48 hours.

    • Once snoozed, the reading will be set to the ‘Snoozed’ status, the elapsed time will reset to 00:00:00:00, and the assigned user will be unassigned.

      • Once the snooze duration ends, the reading will be set to the ‘Follow Up’ status and the elapsed time will begin counting again.

  • The Complete function.

    • Allows users to close the reading once no further effort is needed.

    • Once completed, the reading will be set to the ‘Completed’ status and the elapsed time will stop counting.

    • If necessary, users can continue to view, document, and re-activate a reading after it has been completed.

Note: The Device Readings Queue will remove readings after 30 days of inactivity. After 30 days, readings and their associated data can be accessed through Analytics.

Color-Coded Outcome Option

Additionally, practices can opt to include a color-coded outcome dropdown to their Device Readings Queue reading modals. This dropdown allows users to record an outcome related to the individual reading from the following options.

When the dropdown is enabled, the field is required to complete the reading.

Once an outcome is selected, it will populate next to the related reading in the Patient Vital's section of the chart.

To access other helpful ThoroughCare articles in the Knowledge Base or to get help from the ThoroughCare Support team members, click the ‘i’ icon in the top right corner of the software next to the username and use the appropriate link.

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