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Creating a New Patient
Entering in Patient Information
Creating a New Patient
Begin by navigating to the ThoroughCare dashboard or a worklist. Then click the '+ New Patient' button located in the top right-hand corner of the page.
Once the '+ New Patient' button is clicked, a 'Create Patient' pop-up will appear.
Entering In Patient Information
First begin by entering the patient's First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, and Sex (these are the required fields and denoted by an asterisk).
The rest of the fields are 'Optional,' meaning they are not necessary to create a patient.
However, the more information that is added to the patient's chart the easier it is to manage the patient's care. We recommend filling out as many fields as possible. ThoroughCare's patient data options are:
Middle Name / Initial
Previous Name
Primary Language
Secondary Language
Sexual Orientation
EHR ID (this is optional, but we recommend adding it)
Eligible Programs
Primary Care Manager
Primary Physician
Referring Provider
Home Phone/Mobile Phone/Work Phone
Preferred Phone
Phone Notes
Has Mobile/Allow SMS/Video checkboxes
Place of Service (POS)
Risk Level
Risk Score
If 'Other' is chosen as an option for Gender, Sexual Orientation, or Race then an open text entry box will be displayed for the user to enter in patient information.
Once finished populating the 'Create Patient' fields, click the 'Create Patient' button located at the bottom of the pop-up.
The patient will be created immediately, and the user will be taken to the new patient's landing page which is called the 'Patient View Page.'
NOTE: All patient information entered will be visible from the 'Patient View Page.'
NOTE: The date of death for a patient can be entered on the 'Patient Info' screen and 'Update Patient' modal, but will not be displayed in the 'Create Patient' modal. Future dates can't be chosen when entering in a date of death for a patient.
NOTE: Choosing 'Unknown' in the Sex field of the Create Patient or Update Patient modals will display preventative services for both sexes when performing an AWV assessment.
Congrats, you've created a New Patient!
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