Care managers will receive detailed notifications when patient calls are missed after a length of time has passed. Reports for missed calls can be generated by users to view their pending calls and respond appropriately to them.
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Notifications for Missed Calls
Missed Call Report
Notifications for Missed Calls
Notifications will be sent to Care Managers alerting them to any calls that have been left in the ‘Pending’ status after a determined length of time has passed.
NOTE: By default, the length of time between the scheduled end of a call and the time a related notification is sent out is set to 60 minutes. This can be adjusted in the practice settings by Super Admin.
The notification for a missed call will contain the following information:
Name of the patient associated with the call.
The date and time the call was scheduled for.
The purpose for the call.
Notes connected to the scheduled call.
These notifications can be found by clicking on the bell icon in the upper right corner near the username or through accessing ‘Notifications’ on the side menu.
NOTE: Notifications will be Marked as Read should a user update a pending call after a notification has been sent and before the notification was read.
Missed Call Report
A report of calls marked as ‘Pending’ can be generated by a user through the Reports section.
Click on the username in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Then click on ‘Reports’ in the dropdown that appears.
Proceed to the dropdown box under ‘Report Type’ and select the ‘Missed Call’ option. Then click the ‘View’ button.
A list of ‘Pending’ calls associated with the user will be displayed. By default, any call over 60 minutes since its scheduled end time will be shown.
Date, time, call purpose, and any notes related to the call will be listed and the most outstanding calls will be shown first as the default view.
The report can be sorted by date, patient, call purpose or note by clicking on the column headers or the sort icons next to them.
A user can also use the search bar to find information within any of the data fields.
The date and time of the call can be clicked to bring up the ‘Log / Call Interaction’ modal where the call’s status can be updated.
NOTE: Once a call has been updated, it will no longer show on the report.
Finally, clicking on a hyperlinked patient name will send a user to the corresponding patient chart.
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