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"Patient Reported" Conditions

How to Identify Undiagnosed Problems and Conditions as "Patient Reported"

Bill Ruby avatar
Written by Bill Ruby
Updated today

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In the event that a problem is included in a patient's Care Management due to the patient informing their Care Team of the condition without any supporting documentation, the Care Manager can mark the condition as "Patient Reported" to clearly identify that the condition has yet to be officially diagnosed.

Creating New "Patient Reported" Problems

When a user creates a new problem from either the Summary of Care tab or the Care Management tab, the new problem can be easily marked as "Patient Reported" from the "Add Problem" modal.

Once a problem's "Patient Reported" checkbox field is marked, the problem will be clearly labeled as such in the Summary of Care and Care Management "Problems" tab views.

Updating Existing Problems

If an existing problems requires a "Patient Reported" label, a user can go to the Care Management tab - Conditions Information section, and click the Total Other Conditions "View All" button to open the Edit Patient Conditions modal.

Each problem listed in the modal contains a "Patient Reported" checkbox where the label can be selected and de-selected as needed.

Once the checkbox is deselected, the "Patient Reported" label will be removed from the Problem card in both the Summary of Care and Care Management Problems tabs.

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